New breakthroughs in semiconductor design have enabled a rapid integration of semiconductor chips into systems that affect all aspects of the society. Examples of emerging systems include spacecraft, Internet of Things (IoT), intelligent automotive, and bio-implantable devices. Many of these systems are mission-critical or safety-critical, meaning that failure or malfunction may lead to severe economical losses, environmental damages or risks to human lives. In addition to performances improvement, the reliability and functional safety of the underlying integrated circuit (IC) have attracted more and more attention and have posed grand challenges for semiconductor industries. This dissertation introduces an approach for high performance vol...
Human performance of a primary continuous task (e.g., steering a vehicle) and a secondary discrete t...
M.Tech. (Mechanical Engineering)Abstract: Material wear formation on centrifugal fan impeller has be...
Functional decomposition is a process used by engineers and designers for identifying functions in v...
In self-biasing circuits, designers often use feedbacks to reduce the power-supply sensi...
Comparators are one of the most fundamental building blocks in all electronic systems involving anal...
Existing methods for focusing and imaging through strongly scattering materials are often limited by...
Cascaded events may cause a major blackout which will lead to a massive economic loss and even fatal...
Neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) is a technology where skeletal muscles are externally st...
Energy consumption has become a first-class optimization goal in design and implementation of data-i...
Bandgap references are widely used in analog and mixed-signal systems to provide temperature-indepen...
The visual system possesses a remarkable ability to group fragmented line segments into coherent con...
Cascading outages in power systems are costly events that power system operators and planners active...
Sustainable and renewable energy is an incredibly important area in today’s society and investigatio...
Transient electronics is a class of electronic devices designed to maintain stable operation for a d...
One of the major difficulties electrical vehicle (EV) industry facing today is the production and li...
Human performance of a primary continuous task (e.g., steering a vehicle) and a secondary discrete t...
M.Tech. (Mechanical Engineering)Abstract: Material wear formation on centrifugal fan impeller has be...
Functional decomposition is a process used by engineers and designers for identifying functions in v...
In self-biasing circuits, designers often use feedbacks to reduce the power-supply sensi...
Comparators are one of the most fundamental building blocks in all electronic systems involving anal...
Existing methods for focusing and imaging through strongly scattering materials are often limited by...
Cascaded events may cause a major blackout which will lead to a massive economic loss and even fatal...
Neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) is a technology where skeletal muscles are externally st...
Energy consumption has become a first-class optimization goal in design and implementation of data-i...
Bandgap references are widely used in analog and mixed-signal systems to provide temperature-indepen...
The visual system possesses a remarkable ability to group fragmented line segments into coherent con...
Cascading outages in power systems are costly events that power system operators and planners active...
Sustainable and renewable energy is an incredibly important area in today’s society and investigatio...
Transient electronics is a class of electronic devices designed to maintain stable operation for a d...
One of the major difficulties electrical vehicle (EV) industry facing today is the production and li...
Human performance of a primary continuous task (e.g., steering a vehicle) and a secondary discrete t...
M.Tech. (Mechanical Engineering)Abstract: Material wear formation on centrifugal fan impeller has be...
Functional decomposition is a process used by engineers and designers for identifying functions in v...