Im oberen Tiefland Amazoniens lassen die geringen Meereshöhen dieser Region die Bildung riesiger Binnenseen zu Zeiten der früh- bis mittelpleistozänen Meeresspiegelhochstände vermuten. Bei weniger hohen Meeresspiegelständen (um 15 m über NN) können dagegen für das Monastir (letzte Warmzeit vor dem Würmglazial) ausgedehnte Flußlandschaften nachgewiesen werden. Zur Zeit ihrer Bildung waren sie der rezenten Várzea ähnlich. Heute zeichnen sie sich durch eine relative Hochlage (etwa 5 - 10m über der Várzea) und durch einen mehrere Meter mächtigen Verwitterungshorizont aus. In den im Würmglazial tief eingeschnittenen Tälern Amazoniens bildeten sich im Postglazial bei schnellem Meeresspiegelanstieg, zunächst sog. Ria-Seen. Bei geringerem Meeresspi...
The present study reconstructs Holocene fluvial dynamics in the southern Amazonian foreland basin th...
The congruency in the depositional origin and age of the uppermost sedimentary strata forming non-fl...
In northern South America the Cenozoic was a period of intense tectonic and climatic interaction tha...
Die ökologische Gliederung Amazoniens in einen zentralen Raum und ein westliches, nördliches und süd...
The Quaternary history of the Amazon lowlands is characterized by deposition of sediments of Andean ...
Nach einer kurzen Einführung in den Aufgabenbereich und das Wesen der Limno- Iogie wird die Bedeutun...
Savanna patches are features of the Amazonian landscape that have been long under intense debate, bu...
The limits of Brazilian Amazonia are formed by the overhang of the Guianian and Brazilian shields, c...
The gold and tin-bearing alluvial placers of the Brazilian Amazon high terrains constitute a remarka...
ABSTRACT: In the scope of Solimões-Amazon fluvial system between the Negro and Madeira tributaries, ...
Große periodische Wasserstandsschwankungen von durchschnitttich 10 m Höhe charakterisieren hydrologi...
The neotropical Amazonian and Andean plant diversity developed mainly during the Tertiary. In Amazon...
ABSTRACT: The development of the transcontinental Amazon River System involved geological events in ...
Aim: To investigate the influence of Holocene climatic and human-induced changes on a region of high...
International audienceThe study of paleofluvial dynamics is crucial to understand the role of rivers...
The present study reconstructs Holocene fluvial dynamics in the southern Amazonian foreland basin th...
The congruency in the depositional origin and age of the uppermost sedimentary strata forming non-fl...
In northern South America the Cenozoic was a period of intense tectonic and climatic interaction tha...
Die ökologische Gliederung Amazoniens in einen zentralen Raum und ein westliches, nördliches und süd...
The Quaternary history of the Amazon lowlands is characterized by deposition of sediments of Andean ...
Nach einer kurzen Einführung in den Aufgabenbereich und das Wesen der Limno- Iogie wird die Bedeutun...
Savanna patches are features of the Amazonian landscape that have been long under intense debate, bu...
The limits of Brazilian Amazonia are formed by the overhang of the Guianian and Brazilian shields, c...
The gold and tin-bearing alluvial placers of the Brazilian Amazon high terrains constitute a remarka...
ABSTRACT: In the scope of Solimões-Amazon fluvial system between the Negro and Madeira tributaries, ...
Große periodische Wasserstandsschwankungen von durchschnitttich 10 m Höhe charakterisieren hydrologi...
The neotropical Amazonian and Andean plant diversity developed mainly during the Tertiary. In Amazon...
ABSTRACT: The development of the transcontinental Amazon River System involved geological events in ...
Aim: To investigate the influence of Holocene climatic and human-induced changes on a region of high...
International audienceThe study of paleofluvial dynamics is crucial to understand the role of rivers...
The present study reconstructs Holocene fluvial dynamics in the southern Amazonian foreland basin th...
The congruency in the depositional origin and age of the uppermost sedimentary strata forming non-fl...
In northern South America the Cenozoic was a period of intense tectonic and climatic interaction tha...