An Unusual Presentation of Pectoralis Major Pyomyositis Presenting as Septic Arthritis of the Shoulder: A Case Report and Review of the Literature.

  • Saad, Ahmed
  • Shahban, Shafiq Arif
  • Elgamal, Tarek
Publication date
November 2018


Pyomyositis is a relatively rare condition and often requires a low index of suspicion. We present a case of an otherwise fit and well woman who had pyomyositis of the pectoralis major muscle and presented as an acute septic arthritis of the shoulder. We present the conundrums that arose in arriving at this diagnosis, and how we successfully managed this condition through our multidisciplinary approach. We urge all clinicians to bear in mind this potential diagnosis, even in those patients not deemed to be immunocompromised

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