The issue of this thesis is the regulation loot boxes (virtual containers embedded in certain video games holding randomly determined in-game items) from de lege lata and de lege ferenda points of view. A central question is whether some loot box implementations fulfil the definition of a lottery in Section 1 of the Lottery Act and thus whether they fall within the ambit of the Norwegian gambling regime. Further, commercial practices related to loot boxes are analysed in light of the Marketing Act. Finally, the thesis presents two potential solutions for more efficient regulation of these video game mechanisms that have been alleged to blur the lines between gaming and gambling
In March 2022, the highest administrative court in the Netherlands, the Administrative Jurisdiction ...
In-game purchase options are referred to as microtransactions and have become a common revenue for m...
This essay examines the new swedish gambling law (2018:1138) and its application on loot boxes withi...
Loot boxes represent a popular and prevalent contemporary monetization innovation in video games tha...
The recent exponential increase in the presence of loot boxes and other forms of microtransactions i...
There has been debate among legal scholars as to whether loot boxes can be considered a form of gamb...
Loot boxes are a form of microtransaction, which is a business model used to generate revenue for vi...
Do purchasable randomised reward mechanisms in video games (loot boxes) constitute gambling? Opinion...
A loot box is a purchasable in-game digital container holding randomized virtual rewards. In recent ...
Loot Boxes in video games are a controversial phenomenon that has gotten more and more attention fro...
A loot box is a virtual item in a video game that contains a randomised selection of other virtual i...
Loot boxes are virtual items in video games that players purchase to obtain randomised rewards of va...
To optimise income, video game developers incorporate microtransactions into their games. One such m...
Background and aims: Loot boxes are in-game items which distribute rewards to players via random -nu...
The goal of this article is to present the problem of the sale of products with random content. Even...
In March 2022, the highest administrative court in the Netherlands, the Administrative Jurisdiction ...
In-game purchase options are referred to as microtransactions and have become a common revenue for m...
This essay examines the new swedish gambling law (2018:1138) and its application on loot boxes withi...
Loot boxes represent a popular and prevalent contemporary monetization innovation in video games tha...
The recent exponential increase in the presence of loot boxes and other forms of microtransactions i...
There has been debate among legal scholars as to whether loot boxes can be considered a form of gamb...
Loot boxes are a form of microtransaction, which is a business model used to generate revenue for vi...
Do purchasable randomised reward mechanisms in video games (loot boxes) constitute gambling? Opinion...
A loot box is a purchasable in-game digital container holding randomized virtual rewards. In recent ...
Loot Boxes in video games are a controversial phenomenon that has gotten more and more attention fro...
A loot box is a virtual item in a video game that contains a randomised selection of other virtual i...
Loot boxes are virtual items in video games that players purchase to obtain randomised rewards of va...
To optimise income, video game developers incorporate microtransactions into their games. One such m...
Background and aims: Loot boxes are in-game items which distribute rewards to players via random -nu...
The goal of this article is to present the problem of the sale of products with random content. Even...
In March 2022, the highest administrative court in the Netherlands, the Administrative Jurisdiction ...
In-game purchase options are referred to as microtransactions and have become a common revenue for m...
This essay examines the new swedish gambling law (2018:1138) and its application on loot boxes withi...