The amount of WEEE generated annually is growing, and effective means of recycling are required, in order to sustainably handle the growing waste quantity. WEEE is not only considered waste, but also a secondary resource of materials, including precious metals. Electronic devices can contain precious metals more than their respective primary ores, which in many cases are depleting. Pyrometallurgical methods of WEEE recycling are advantageous, because the processes can accept many forms of scrap and there are existing facilities for WEEE smelting. Downside of pyrometallurgical recycling route is the environmental concern that arises from high level of energy consumption. In this thesis, the time-dependent behaviour of precious metals in ...
Infrarakentamisen suurimmat haasteet liittyvät maa- ja kiviaineksien taloudelliseen ja ekologiseen k...
Large volumes of affected water are a common problem in mining. Water is used in many ways in mining...
Valimoteollisuuden ongelmana on kertamuottimenetelmällä syntyvän jätteeksi luokiteltavan valimohieka...
Rikasteiden epäpuhtauspitoisuudet kasvavat jatkuvasti, minkä vuoksi sulattojen täytyy etsiä keinoja ...
The amount of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) in the world has grown rapidly during...
Stainless steel production generates significant quantities of flue dusts that are considered as haz...
As a consequence of industrialization, metal concentrations in nature are big enough to have harmful...
Sähkö- ja elektroniikkaromu eli SER on maailman nopeimmin määrältään kasvava jätevirta 3-5 %:n vuotu...
The use of rare earth elements (REE) is increasing due to the increasing use of hybrid electric vehi...
Abstract. The efficiency of the primary desulphurisation process at SSAB Europe Oy, Raahe steel plan...
The increasing scarcity of resources has acted as a transformational global driver for companies to ...
Opinnäytetyön kokeellinen osuus suoritettiin Jyväskylässä sijaitsevan Tikomet Oy:n laadunvalvonta- j...
Icing inflicts serious problems for different branches of industries by decreasing efficiency, produ...
Icing inflicts serious problems for different branches of industries by decreasing efficiency, produ...
Haukiputaan ja Kiimingin alueella sijaitseva Pohjois-Pohjanmaan, eli Kiimingin vulkaanis-sedimenttin...
Infrarakentamisen suurimmat haasteet liittyvät maa- ja kiviaineksien taloudelliseen ja ekologiseen k...
Large volumes of affected water are a common problem in mining. Water is used in many ways in mining...
Valimoteollisuuden ongelmana on kertamuottimenetelmällä syntyvän jätteeksi luokiteltavan valimohieka...
Rikasteiden epäpuhtauspitoisuudet kasvavat jatkuvasti, minkä vuoksi sulattojen täytyy etsiä keinoja ...
The amount of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) in the world has grown rapidly during...
Stainless steel production generates significant quantities of flue dusts that are considered as haz...
As a consequence of industrialization, metal concentrations in nature are big enough to have harmful...
Sähkö- ja elektroniikkaromu eli SER on maailman nopeimmin määrältään kasvava jätevirta 3-5 %:n vuotu...
The use of rare earth elements (REE) is increasing due to the increasing use of hybrid electric vehi...
Abstract. The efficiency of the primary desulphurisation process at SSAB Europe Oy, Raahe steel plan...
The increasing scarcity of resources has acted as a transformational global driver for companies to ...
Opinnäytetyön kokeellinen osuus suoritettiin Jyväskylässä sijaitsevan Tikomet Oy:n laadunvalvonta- j...
Icing inflicts serious problems for different branches of industries by decreasing efficiency, produ...
Icing inflicts serious problems for different branches of industries by decreasing efficiency, produ...
Haukiputaan ja Kiimingin alueella sijaitseva Pohjois-Pohjanmaan, eli Kiimingin vulkaanis-sedimenttin...
Infrarakentamisen suurimmat haasteet liittyvät maa- ja kiviaineksien taloudelliseen ja ekologiseen k...
Large volumes of affected water are a common problem in mining. Water is used in many ways in mining...
Valimoteollisuuden ongelmana on kertamuottimenetelmällä syntyvän jätteeksi luokiteltavan valimohieka...