This research aims to know the effectiveness of the productive fund management of zakat, infaq and shadaqah in attempt to empower society especially mustahik. The fund management in this research in held by Lazismu of Malang and Batu city. Fund management of zakat, infaq and shadaqah in one of many ways to distribute economic assistance for mustahik. The assistance is to give basic financial capital to develop mustahik’s business. This research use a qualitative apporch as the method to know more about mustahik who has been given assistance by Lazismu of Malang and Batu city. Besides the research is also based on productive management of zakat, infaq and shadaqah that has been done by Lazismu especially in Malang and Batu. The results ...
ABSTRAK Zakat adalah instrumen ajaran Islam yang berkaitan dengan masalah kemanusiaan, terutama tent...
This study analyzes how the role of productive zakat in improving the welfare of mustahik in terms o...
The productive distribution of zakat is expected to empower mustahik to accelerate poverty reduction...
LAZISMU Probolinggo City is one of the institutions that manages and distributes zakat, infaq and sh...
This study aims to determine the Zakah utilization on the development of economic of zakah recipient...
INDONESIA: Zakat yang diberikan kepada mustahiq akan berperan sebagai pendukung peningkatan ekono...
Analysis of the Distribution of Zakat, Infaq, Sadaqah Through Lazismu Pasuruan City (Case Study on L...
Zakat in the study of fiqh is the cleansing of property owned by a person. This aims to share rizki ...
Zakat was fund source of potential that can be used to build prosperity muslims Management zakat in ...
This research is aimed to determine the role of Badan Amil Zakat Nasional Sumatera Utara (BAZNAS SU)...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis bagaimana meningkatkan pendapatan mustahik dan mengentas...
Amil zakat agency is a zakat management institution formed by the government, consisting of governme...
The purpose of this study is to find out how the concepts of zakat and infaq management exist in the...
Indonesia with a majority Muslim population has a large zakat potential. Consumptive zakat distribut...
The purpose of zakat management formally is to (1) improve the effectiveness and efficiency of servi...
ABSTRAK Zakat adalah instrumen ajaran Islam yang berkaitan dengan masalah kemanusiaan, terutama tent...
This study analyzes how the role of productive zakat in improving the welfare of mustahik in terms o...
The productive distribution of zakat is expected to empower mustahik to accelerate poverty reduction...
LAZISMU Probolinggo City is one of the institutions that manages and distributes zakat, infaq and sh...
This study aims to determine the Zakah utilization on the development of economic of zakah recipient...
INDONESIA: Zakat yang diberikan kepada mustahiq akan berperan sebagai pendukung peningkatan ekono...
Analysis of the Distribution of Zakat, Infaq, Sadaqah Through Lazismu Pasuruan City (Case Study on L...
Zakat in the study of fiqh is the cleansing of property owned by a person. This aims to share rizki ...
Zakat was fund source of potential that can be used to build prosperity muslims Management zakat in ...
This research is aimed to determine the role of Badan Amil Zakat Nasional Sumatera Utara (BAZNAS SU)...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis bagaimana meningkatkan pendapatan mustahik dan mengentas...
Amil zakat agency is a zakat management institution formed by the government, consisting of governme...
The purpose of this study is to find out how the concepts of zakat and infaq management exist in the...
Indonesia with a majority Muslim population has a large zakat potential. Consumptive zakat distribut...
The purpose of zakat management formally is to (1) improve the effectiveness and efficiency of servi...
ABSTRAK Zakat adalah instrumen ajaran Islam yang berkaitan dengan masalah kemanusiaan, terutama tent...
This study analyzes how the role of productive zakat in improving the welfare of mustahik in terms o...
The productive distribution of zakat is expected to empower mustahik to accelerate poverty reduction...