An experiment was conducted to measure the effects of varied Gleptoforte dosage on nursing piglet performance. There has been extensive research in determining the optimal dosage of iron dextran to prevent anemia in baby pigs, but little research has been conducted to determine the optimal dosage of Gleptoforte, another iron supplement containing gleptoferron, in baby pigs. A total of 28 litters were utilized for the study, 12 pigs from each litter, for a total of 336 pigs. Six barrows and six gilts from each litter were randomly assigned to one of 6 experimental treatments; one barrow and one gilt per treatment. These treatments included: 1) a negative control of 0 mg injected Gleptoforte, 2) 50 mg, 3) 100 mg, 4) 150 mg, 5) 200 mg, and 6) ...