Twitter for archivists
@gccaedits data - June 2021 accession This release contains Twitter archive requests of the @gccaed... On the Twitter Feeds Preservation by the Library of Congress ...
@gccaedits data - June 2021 accession This release contains Twitter archive requests of the @gccaedi...
#Citation #Archives "Un bon archiviste est plus utile à l'Etat qu'un général d'artillerie" Napoléon ... Archivalia_kg ist auch dabei.
Twitter for Irish Archives, Archivists & Records Managers. View more presentations from learn...
Archivists at Cambridge University's Scott Polar Research Institute are using Twitter to draw attent...
[View the story "#Archivtag" on Storify] [View the story "#Archivtag" on Storify
The largest archive newswebsite of the world "Het Archiefforum' (The ArchiveForum) is now active on ...
Die Society of American Archivists veranstaltet heute einen Twitter-Aktionstag für Archive unter dem...
From the Public Archaeology Twitter Conference. Twitter thread begins at
Niederländische ArchivarInnen haben eine Twitter-Kampagne initiiert, die Archivmagazine zeigt, manch...
<![CDATA[ Zunächst nur der Autor Klaus Graf des Gemeinschaftsblogs Archivalia. Klaus legt - wie scho...
The Archival Platform answers: " ....Although we have Africa-based followers, and follow a number of...
@gccaedits data - June 2021 accession This release contains Twitter archive requests of the @gccaed... On the Twitter Feeds Preservation by the Library of Congress ...
@gccaedits data - June 2021 accession This release contains Twitter archive requests of the @gccaedi...
#Citation #Archives "Un bon archiviste est plus utile à l'Etat qu'un général d'artillerie" Napoléon ... Archivalia_kg ist auch dabei.
Twitter for Irish Archives, Archivists & Records Managers. View more presentations from learn...
Archivists at Cambridge University's Scott Polar Research Institute are using Twitter to draw attent...
[View the story "#Archivtag" on Storify] [View the story "#Archivtag" on Storify
The largest archive newswebsite of the world "Het Archiefforum' (The ArchiveForum) is now active on ...
Die Society of American Archivists veranstaltet heute einen Twitter-Aktionstag für Archive unter dem...
From the Public Archaeology Twitter Conference. Twitter thread begins at
Niederländische ArchivarInnen haben eine Twitter-Kampagne initiiert, die Archivmagazine zeigt, manch...
<![CDATA[ Zunächst nur der Autor Klaus Graf des Gemeinschaftsblogs Archivalia. Klaus legt - wie scho...
The Archival Platform answers: " ....Although we have Africa-based followers, and follow a number of...
@gccaedits data - June 2021 accession This release contains Twitter archive requests of the @gccaed... On the Twitter Feeds Preservation by the Library of Congress ...
@gccaedits data - June 2021 accession This release contains Twitter archive requests of the @gccaedi...