(Thanks, Frank) “Acting quickly, Germany's Prometheus image archive launched a special OA collection, Das digitale Historische Archiv Köln, to host and protect digital copies of documents from the Köln (Cologne) city archives, which collapsed on March 3. The new archive is calling for help in collecting documents on the history of Cologne. (Thanks to Klaus Graf.)“ (Open Access News 09.03.2009 06:31 p.m. via Archivalia@Tw.. EILMELDUNG / BREAKING NEWS Einsturz des Stadtarchivs Köln am 3. ...
Durch den Einsturz des Historischen Archivs der Stadt Köln am 3. März 2009 wurden die Archivalien be... (Thanks, Frank) “Acting qui...
After the "human and cultural" catastrophe of March 3rd 2009 - the collapse of the Cologne Historica...
published on Salon JS Blog (
8 March, 2009 Dear Colleagues, The interest in the fate of the Historical Archive in Cologne continu... (Thanks for translating,...
The 2009 Cologne Archives collapse was a disaster for historians. "[I]n 2009, after an architectural...
"On the afternoon of Tuesday 3 March, the building of the Historic Archive of the city of Cologne in...
Thanks to for the ...
Summary V at Salon Jewish Studies - Blog (
"[O]n 27 March the Guardian Weekly published Bettina Schmidt-Czaia's first-person account of the col...
When the Historical Archive of the City of Cologne (known as Cologne’s City Archive) collapsed in 20... EILMELDUNG / BREAKING NEWS Einsturz des Stadtarchivs Köln am 3. ...
Durch den Einsturz des Historischen Archivs der Stadt Köln am 3. März 2009 wurden die Archivalien be... (Thanks, Frank) “Acting qui...
After the "human and cultural" catastrophe of March 3rd 2009 - the collapse of the Cologne Historica...
published on Salon JS Blog (
8 March, 2009 Dear Colleagues, The interest in the fate of the Historical Archive in Cologne continu... (Thanks for translating,...
The 2009 Cologne Archives collapse was a disaster for historians. "[I]n 2009, after an architectural...
"On the afternoon of Tuesday 3 March, the building of the Historic Archive of the city of Cologne in...
Thanks to for the ...
Summary V at Salon Jewish Studies - Blog (
"[O]n 27 March the Guardian Weekly published Bettina Schmidt-Czaia's first-person account of the col...
When the Historical Archive of the City of Cologne (known as Cologne’s City Archive) collapsed in 20... EILMELDUNG / BREAKING NEWS Einsturz des Stadtarchivs Köln am 3. ...
Durch den Einsturz des Historischen Archivs der Stadt Köln am 3. März 2009 wurden die Archivalien be...