De la part de Martine Chazelas documentaliste du CERMA à Nantes Second International Conference of Young Urban Researchers Venue: Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL), Lisbon11 October 2011 – 14 October 2011Four years after the first meeting, the Second International Conference of Young Urban Researchers provides continuity to the experience of interdisciplinary meeting of young urban researchers. The conference aims to share recent researches on urban contexts from many different ar..
Appel à communication : III International Conferences “MediterráneoS 2016” "Early-Stage Researchers ...
Désolée pour les délais courts... Villes et sociétés – approches comparatives Plus de 80 sessions on...
The Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon (ICS-UL), the Institute of Studies for ...
De la part de Martine Chazelas documentaliste du CERMA à Nantes Second International Conference of Y...
SICYUrb (Second International Conference of Young Urban Researchers), Lisbon (Portugal), 11-14 Octob...
There are two conferences in the near future that might interest, among others, researchers in Urban...
A Third International Conference of Young Urban Researchers (TICYUrb) é já no próximo mês de Junho, ...
Organisé par l'European Association for Urban History, le "12th International Conference on Urban Hi...
The TICYUrb (Third International Conference of Young Urban Researchers) was an international event t...
Attention : la date de clôture pour proposer une session est fixée au 31 mars 2013. We would like to...
Ci-joint un appel pour une main session de la 11e Conference d'Histoire urbaine : “Cities and Societ...
European Sociological Association Research Network 37 “Urban Sociology” Mid-Term Conference Public s...
Project ÁGORA - Encontros entre a cidade e as artes: Explorando novas urbanidades (PTDC/ATPGEO/3208/...
The conference provides a meeting place for researchers interested in interdisciplinary approaches t...
Portugal in the last two centuries – I International Graduate Conference on Portuguese Modern and Co...
Appel à communication : III International Conferences “MediterráneoS 2016” "Early-Stage Researchers ...
Désolée pour les délais courts... Villes et sociétés – approches comparatives Plus de 80 sessions on...
The Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon (ICS-UL), the Institute of Studies for ...
De la part de Martine Chazelas documentaliste du CERMA à Nantes Second International Conference of Y...
SICYUrb (Second International Conference of Young Urban Researchers), Lisbon (Portugal), 11-14 Octob...
There are two conferences in the near future that might interest, among others, researchers in Urban...
A Third International Conference of Young Urban Researchers (TICYUrb) é já no próximo mês de Junho, ...
Organisé par l'European Association for Urban History, le "12th International Conference on Urban Hi...
The TICYUrb (Third International Conference of Young Urban Researchers) was an international event t...
Attention : la date de clôture pour proposer une session est fixée au 31 mars 2013. We would like to...
Ci-joint un appel pour une main session de la 11e Conference d'Histoire urbaine : “Cities and Societ...
European Sociological Association Research Network 37 “Urban Sociology” Mid-Term Conference Public s...
Project ÁGORA - Encontros entre a cidade e as artes: Explorando novas urbanidades (PTDC/ATPGEO/3208/...
The conference provides a meeting place for researchers interested in interdisciplinary approaches t...
Portugal in the last two centuries – I International Graduate Conference on Portuguese Modern and Co...
Appel à communication : III International Conferences “MediterráneoS 2016” "Early-Stage Researchers ...
Désolée pour les délais courts... Villes et sociétés – approches comparatives Plus de 80 sessions on...
The Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon (ICS-UL), the Institute of Studies for ...