A review of the trends and issues affecting academic libraries in higher education Article publié par l'ACRL (Research Planning and Review Committee) dans College & Research Libraries News, vol. 73, no. 6, p. 311-320, June 2012 : http://crln.acrl.org/content/73/6/311.full Three leaders in academic librarianship were the catalysts for this discussion: Martin Halbert, dean of libraries at University of North Texas; Joan Lippincott, associate director of Coalition for Networked Information (CNI)..
Improvement of academic library services as an outcome of continuous assessment is an aim of librari...
Institutions of higher education and academic libraries are not the traditional organizations they o...
The future of academic libraries largely depends on our ability to be innovative, anticipate our use...
The ACRL Research, Planning and Review Committee, a component of the Research ...
Top trends in academic libraries : A review of the trends and issues affecting academic libraries in...
This article summarizes trending topics in academic librarianship from the past two years–a time of ...
This article summarizes trending topics in academic librarianship from the past two years–a time of ...
This article summarizes trending topics in academic librarianship from the past two years. These hig...
Every other year, the ACRL Research Planning and Review Committee produces a document on top trends ...
Every other year, the ACRL Research Planning and Review Committee produces a document on top trends ...
This document analysis examined the academic library and the changing role of the academic librarian...
u.s. academic business libraries are undergoing many changes in response to trends in business schoo...
This document analysis examined the academic library and the changing role of the academic librarian...
One of the interesting phenomena of the current era is that libraries have begun to occupy the cente...
Academic librarians practice in an increasingly turbulent information environment. Writing in the NA...
Improvement of academic library services as an outcome of continuous assessment is an aim of librari...
Institutions of higher education and academic libraries are not the traditional organizations they o...
The future of academic libraries largely depends on our ability to be innovative, anticipate our use...
The ACRL Research, Planning and Review Committee, a component of the Research ...
Top trends in academic libraries : A review of the trends and issues affecting academic libraries in...
This article summarizes trending topics in academic librarianship from the past two years–a time of ...
This article summarizes trending topics in academic librarianship from the past two years–a time of ...
This article summarizes trending topics in academic librarianship from the past two years. These hig...
Every other year, the ACRL Research Planning and Review Committee produces a document on top trends ...
Every other year, the ACRL Research Planning and Review Committee produces a document on top trends ...
This document analysis examined the academic library and the changing role of the academic librarian...
u.s. academic business libraries are undergoing many changes in response to trends in business schoo...
This document analysis examined the academic library and the changing role of the academic librarian...
One of the interesting phenomena of the current era is that libraries have begun to occupy the cente...
Academic librarians practice in an increasingly turbulent information environment. Writing in the NA...
Improvement of academic library services as an outcome of continuous assessment is an aim of librari...
Institutions of higher education and academic libraries are not the traditional organizations they o...
The future of academic libraries largely depends on our ability to be innovative, anticipate our use...