appel à contribution : International conference on craftsmen and guilds in the medieval and early modern periods 21.08.2012 Jullien, Eva Veranstalter: History Department of the University of Luxemburg and research project "Histoire des villes luxembourgeoises" Datum, Ort: 12.09.2013-14.09.2013, Luxemburg, Université du Luxembourg Deadline: 23.11.2012 The subject of craftsmen and their institutions looks back on two centuries of research tradition, but it has long been caught up i...</finduilas
Le CESR (Centre d'études supérieures de la renaissance) de Tours (France) organise du 20 au 22 juin ...
Call for Papers / Appel à Contributions Cultures of Belgian Space / Cultures de l'espace belge, 18...
Conférence internationale ‘Art and Science in the Early Modern Low Countries’ 16-17 septembre 2015, ...
History Department of the University of Luxemburg and research project "Histoire des villes luxembou...
The subject of craftsmen and their institutions looks back on two centuries of research tradition, b...
Thurday 27 and Friday 28 November 2014 International PhD and Postdoctoral Workshop University of War...
The PhD thesis seeks to explore the social structure of the craftsmen of the town of Luxembourg in t...
udwig Boltzmann Institute for Neo-Latin Studies, Innsbruck November 30-December 2, 2017 Organised by...
Frans van Mieris l’Ancien, La Visite du docteur, 1657, huile sur cuivre, Kelvingrove Art Gallery and...
Avant le 31 janvier 2018 Appel à contribution Journée d'études les 24-26 mai 2018, Université Saint-...
Appel à communications Illuminating the Dark Ages: Manuscript art and knowledge in the Early Mediev...
Appel à contributions : Schoenberg Database of Manuscripts Sponsored Session, 52st International Con...
Appel aux contributions: "The manuscripts of Charlemagne’s Court School – Individual creation and Eu...
Date limite : 12 avril 2010 Humanities Research Institute, University of Sheffield 19th - 20th June...
Justus Sustermans, Portrait de Galilée, 1636, huile sur toile, Londres, Greenwich, National Maritime...
Le CESR (Centre d'études supérieures de la renaissance) de Tours (France) organise du 20 au 22 juin ...
Call for Papers / Appel à Contributions Cultures of Belgian Space / Cultures de l'espace belge, 18...
Conférence internationale ‘Art and Science in the Early Modern Low Countries’ 16-17 septembre 2015, ...
History Department of the University of Luxemburg and research project "Histoire des villes luxembou...
The subject of craftsmen and their institutions looks back on two centuries of research tradition, b...
Thurday 27 and Friday 28 November 2014 International PhD and Postdoctoral Workshop University of War...
The PhD thesis seeks to explore the social structure of the craftsmen of the town of Luxembourg in t...
udwig Boltzmann Institute for Neo-Latin Studies, Innsbruck November 30-December 2, 2017 Organised by...
Frans van Mieris l’Ancien, La Visite du docteur, 1657, huile sur cuivre, Kelvingrove Art Gallery and...
Avant le 31 janvier 2018 Appel à contribution Journée d'études les 24-26 mai 2018, Université Saint-...
Appel à communications Illuminating the Dark Ages: Manuscript art and knowledge in the Early Mediev...
Appel à contributions : Schoenberg Database of Manuscripts Sponsored Session, 52st International Con...
Appel aux contributions: "The manuscripts of Charlemagne’s Court School – Individual creation and Eu...
Date limite : 12 avril 2010 Humanities Research Institute, University of Sheffield 19th - 20th June...
Justus Sustermans, Portrait de Galilée, 1636, huile sur toile, Londres, Greenwich, National Maritime...
Le CESR (Centre d'études supérieures de la renaissance) de Tours (France) organise du 20 au 22 juin ...
Call for Papers / Appel à Contributions Cultures of Belgian Space / Cultures de l'espace belge, 18...
Conférence internationale ‘Art and Science in the Early Modern Low Countries’ 16-17 septembre 2015, ...