Title: Kamus-ı Türki (Turkish lexicon) Originally Published: Istanbul, İkdam Press, 1900 Language: Ottoman Turkish The excerpts used are from the seventh edition of the reprint (Istanbul: Çağrı Yayınları, 1999), pp i–vii. About the author Şemseddin Sami (Sami Frashëri) [1850, Frashër (present-day southeast Albania) – 1904, Istanbul]: linguist, lexicographer, novelist, and playwright. The multifarous Ottoman intellectual was born in the village of Frashër, then in the province of Yanya (Gr. Io..
Lexicography, Ottoman-Turkish, in Europe(2,540 words)Ottoman-Turkish lexicography in Europefirst app...
Title: Üss-i İnkılab (The basis of reform) Originally published: Istanbul, Takvimhane-i Amire Press,...
This paper deals with representative writings of an Ottoman intellectual, Shemseddin Sami Frashëri (...
Title: Osmanlı Tarihi (Ottoman History) Originally published: Istanbul, Mahmud Bey Press, 1910 Langu...
Reprint. Originally published: Kitab-i maani-yi lehçe. Constantinople : Printed for the American Mis...
Title: Türk tarihinin ana hatları: Methal kısmı (Prolegomena to an outline of Turkish history) Origi...
Title: Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda çiftçi sınıfların hukuki statüsü (The legal status of the peasant c...
Title: İslamda dava-yı kavmiyet (The question of nationalism in Islam) Originally published: As an a...
Title: Turkculuk nedir? (What is Turkism?) Originally Published: Ankara, Matbuatve istihbarat Matbaa...
Title: The Turkish ordeal Originally published: New York, The Century Co., 1928 Language: EnglishThe...
Title: Haluk’un Amentüsü (Haluk’s credo) Originally published: Haluk’un defteri (Haluk’s notebook), ...
Bu makalede ülkemizdeki sözlük çalışmaları konu edilecek, dilimizin genel sözlüğünü yazan ilk Türk k...
Title: Primo, Türk çocuğu (Primo, the Turkish child) Originally Published: The fist part of the stor...
Arap dili alanında sözcükleri, deyimleri, atasözleri ve şiirleri ile söz varlığı erken dönemlerden i...
WOS: 000311481900010Although it is commonly believed that Omer Seyfettin used pure Turkish in his wo...
Lexicography, Ottoman-Turkish, in Europe(2,540 words)Ottoman-Turkish lexicography in Europefirst app...
Title: Üss-i İnkılab (The basis of reform) Originally published: Istanbul, Takvimhane-i Amire Press,...
This paper deals with representative writings of an Ottoman intellectual, Shemseddin Sami Frashëri (...
Title: Osmanlı Tarihi (Ottoman History) Originally published: Istanbul, Mahmud Bey Press, 1910 Langu...
Reprint. Originally published: Kitab-i maani-yi lehçe. Constantinople : Printed for the American Mis...
Title: Türk tarihinin ana hatları: Methal kısmı (Prolegomena to an outline of Turkish history) Origi...
Title: Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda çiftçi sınıfların hukuki statüsü (The legal status of the peasant c...
Title: İslamda dava-yı kavmiyet (The question of nationalism in Islam) Originally published: As an a...
Title: Turkculuk nedir? (What is Turkism?) Originally Published: Ankara, Matbuatve istihbarat Matbaa...
Title: The Turkish ordeal Originally published: New York, The Century Co., 1928 Language: EnglishThe...
Title: Haluk’un Amentüsü (Haluk’s credo) Originally published: Haluk’un defteri (Haluk’s notebook), ...
Bu makalede ülkemizdeki sözlük çalışmaları konu edilecek, dilimizin genel sözlüğünü yazan ilk Türk k...
Title: Primo, Türk çocuğu (Primo, the Turkish child) Originally Published: The fist part of the stor...
Arap dili alanında sözcükleri, deyimleri, atasözleri ve şiirleri ile söz varlığı erken dönemlerden i...
WOS: 000311481900010Although it is commonly believed that Omer Seyfettin used pure Turkish in his wo...
Lexicography, Ottoman-Turkish, in Europe(2,540 words)Ottoman-Turkish lexicography in Europefirst app...
Title: Üss-i İnkılab (The basis of reform) Originally published: Istanbul, Takvimhane-i Amire Press,...
This paper deals with representative writings of an Ottoman intellectual, Shemseddin Sami Frashëri (...