A three day Documentary Film Festival titled Picturing Reconciliation will be screened at the Punchi Theatre, Borella from January 24 – 26. Fourteen award winning documentaries will be screened during the three day festival. The programme has been organized by the International Centre for Ethnic Studies (ICES) and the Organization for Visual Progression (OVP). The schedule is as follows: Thursday, January 24 3:00 pm Defiant Art: Lareena Haq (4 minutes) In this i..
Out of the many roles that a film festival and other forms of cinematic events can play within the c...
International Film Festivals act as important sites for the exhibition of contemporary world cinema....
As the film festival curator/director, my primary task was to acquire films for the festival. The ai...
A three day Documentary Film Festival titled Picturing Reconciliation will be screened at the Punch...
ICES in collaboration with OVP are proud to present:Picturing Reconciliation An International Film F...
Screenings 2014: World Documentary Film and TV Conference, University of Falmouth, UK (September...
The International Centre for Ethnic Studies (ICES) has organized a Sinhala Film Festival celebratin...
Sheharnama n. Urdu: The Chronicle of the City Films Division and ActionAid India present Sheharnama...
Comparing Experimental Cinemas is a British Academy-funded symposium, screening and research and pra...
The University of North Dakota Global Visions Film Series is marking its 10th year. The films are s...
The University of North Dakota Global Visions Film Series continues with the screening of a Spanish ...
Film festivals have become a widespread phenomenon since their inception at the Venice Film Festival...
Screenings 2011: Leitrim Film Festival, Cinema Northwest (February). 2009: Seeing Cultures: We...
ISTANBUL INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL 2003 (April 12-27, 2003) celebrated its 22nd birthday this spri...
This Master thesis of 30 ECTS credits, discusses the role and function of film festivals within the ...
Out of the many roles that a film festival and other forms of cinematic events can play within the c...
International Film Festivals act as important sites for the exhibition of contemporary world cinema....
As the film festival curator/director, my primary task was to acquire films for the festival. The ai...
A three day Documentary Film Festival titled Picturing Reconciliation will be screened at the Punch...
ICES in collaboration with OVP are proud to present:Picturing Reconciliation An International Film F...
Screenings 2014: World Documentary Film and TV Conference, University of Falmouth, UK (September...
The International Centre for Ethnic Studies (ICES) has organized a Sinhala Film Festival celebratin...
Sheharnama n. Urdu: The Chronicle of the City Films Division and ActionAid India present Sheharnama...
Comparing Experimental Cinemas is a British Academy-funded symposium, screening and research and pra...
The University of North Dakota Global Visions Film Series is marking its 10th year. The films are s...
The University of North Dakota Global Visions Film Series continues with the screening of a Spanish ...
Film festivals have become a widespread phenomenon since their inception at the Venice Film Festival...
Screenings 2011: Leitrim Film Festival, Cinema Northwest (February). 2009: Seeing Cultures: We...
ISTANBUL INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL 2003 (April 12-27, 2003) celebrated its 22nd birthday this spri...
This Master thesis of 30 ECTS credits, discusses the role and function of film festivals within the ...
Out of the many roles that a film festival and other forms of cinematic events can play within the c...
International Film Festivals act as important sites for the exhibition of contemporary world cinema....
As the film festival curator/director, my primary task was to acquire films for the festival. The ai...