There exist occasional cases of alternations between words with preradical d- and r- in Old/Written Tibetan (OT/WT), for instance dba vs rba ‘wave’, dgu ‘nine’ vs. rgu ‘many’. I am uncertain of the nature (phonological ? dialectal ?) of these alternations. At the same time, rb-type onsets are rare in Written Tibetan and rp- onsets are entirely absent. In a blog dated 19/11/2015 ( Guillaume Jacques proposed that a metathesis has affected pre-Tibetan *rp-, chan..
This article shows the existence of a similar irregular alternation in the pronominal morphology of ...
The author discusses alternations of voiced and voiceless stop initials in intransitive/transitive p...
This paper concentrates on variable finals, and argues that just as we find a certain amount of both...
Following a suggestion of Starostin (1989), Baxter & Sagart (2011) reconstruct *-n, *-j, and *-r...
Comady, Li and others have noticed the Tibetan sound changes *bz> bdz and *l}z> b], but there ...
Old Tibetan had lost a -j ending (Hill 2014:107). Thus some Tibetan words ending in vowels had a -j ...
This paper re-examines the traditional reconstruction of Old Chinese medial *-r- from the viewpoint ...
Despite the current inconsistent spellings such as yod-red (Tournadre 1996: 229-231 et passim, 2003)...
Following a suggestion of Starostin (1989), Baxter & Sagart (2011) reconstruct *-n, *-j, and *-r as ...
The Tibetic language Brokpa exhibits a number of archaic properties regarding its phonology. However...
Conrady, Li and others have noticed the Tibetan sound changes *ḫz > ḫdz and *ḫź > ḫǰ, but there is a...
Paul Benedict (1972: 34) proposed that Tibeto-Burman medial *-waregularly leads to -0- in Old Tibeta...
In this paper, Guillaume Jacques proposes that the Old Tibetan semi-vowel -w- as part of a word onse...
A recent paper on the prehistory of the Tibetan verbal system by Guillaume Jacques (2012), in keepin...
The paper summarizes current knowledge on the paleographical evidence for rén 仁 and its earliest var...
This article shows the existence of a similar irregular alternation in the pronominal morphology of ...
The author discusses alternations of voiced and voiceless stop initials in intransitive/transitive p...
This paper concentrates on variable finals, and argues that just as we find a certain amount of both...
Following a suggestion of Starostin (1989), Baxter & Sagart (2011) reconstruct *-n, *-j, and *-r...
Comady, Li and others have noticed the Tibetan sound changes *bz> bdz and *l}z> b], but there ...
Old Tibetan had lost a -j ending (Hill 2014:107). Thus some Tibetan words ending in vowels had a -j ...
This paper re-examines the traditional reconstruction of Old Chinese medial *-r- from the viewpoint ...
Despite the current inconsistent spellings such as yod-red (Tournadre 1996: 229-231 et passim, 2003)...
Following a suggestion of Starostin (1989), Baxter & Sagart (2011) reconstruct *-n, *-j, and *-r as ...
The Tibetic language Brokpa exhibits a number of archaic properties regarding its phonology. However...
Conrady, Li and others have noticed the Tibetan sound changes *ḫz > ḫdz and *ḫź > ḫǰ, but there is a...
Paul Benedict (1972: 34) proposed that Tibeto-Burman medial *-waregularly leads to -0- in Old Tibeta...
In this paper, Guillaume Jacques proposes that the Old Tibetan semi-vowel -w- as part of a word onse...
A recent paper on the prehistory of the Tibetan verbal system by Guillaume Jacques (2012), in keepin...
The paper summarizes current knowledge on the paleographical evidence for rén 仁 and its earliest var...
This article shows the existence of a similar irregular alternation in the pronominal morphology of ...
The author discusses alternations of voiced and voiceless stop initials in intransitive/transitive p...
This paper concentrates on variable finals, and argues that just as we find a certain amount of both...