110 páginas.Trabajo Fin de Máster Propio. Directora: Dra. Mercedes Núñez Román ; Tutor: Mr. Antonio Galilea Jiménez. The Convention (CITES) is a global call to safeguard the world’s flora and fauna from anthropogenic actions with concerns about the depletion of biological diversity. Globally, biodiversity are under immense pressure from human activities including illegal mining, hunting, and trade in ivory and so forth. As a country rich in forest resources, Liberia signed unto CITES since 1981 to aid the fight against the threats on its biodiversity. Despite this effort, the threats on Liberia’s biodiversity still exist with actions needed. Established in 1983, Sapo National Park (SNP) is biologically rich and contains some of the Country’...
Turvalise tarkvara arendusprotsessidel on tähtis roll turvalise tarkvara kavandamisel, aga erinevate...
En tiempos de catástrofe climática, la disciplina de subsidios y comercio internacional no parecen e...
Mestrado em Gestão/MBAExistem diversas formas de transferir tecnologia e conhecimento, quer através ...
258 p.Entre las especies que desempeñan un papel importante en la economía azul, se encuentran las d...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan perencanaan sumber daya manusia yang dilakukan oleh org...
Este projeto de mestrado tem como objetivo o desenvolvimento de um plano de negócios inovador que pe...
Ecosystems play an important role in strategies for facing climate change because they address both ...
[EN] The establishing of the European Union (EU) has led to the creation of a stable economic market...
Corruption has been considered as one of the most prevalent and persistent challenges in enhancing e...
This research uses the Policy Regime Framework to analyze which of two policy problems, US-China ri...
Mestrado em Economia Monetária e FinanceiraO objetivo desta dissertação constitui em analisar a rela...
In order to explore the psychosocial and agroecological dimensions of sustainable diets and their ro...
The traditional governance system of S̲aik’uz̲ Whut’enne is rooted in a deep relationship with their...
277 p.La necesidad de un mayor conocimiento y una gestión sostenible de las áreas costeras ha suscit...
Treballs Finals del Grau d'Economia, Facultat d'Economia i Empresa, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: ...
Turvalise tarkvara arendusprotsessidel on tähtis roll turvalise tarkvara kavandamisel, aga erinevate...
En tiempos de catástrofe climática, la disciplina de subsidios y comercio internacional no parecen e...
Mestrado em Gestão/MBAExistem diversas formas de transferir tecnologia e conhecimento, quer através ...
258 p.Entre las especies que desempeñan un papel importante en la economía azul, se encuentran las d...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan perencanaan sumber daya manusia yang dilakukan oleh org...
Este projeto de mestrado tem como objetivo o desenvolvimento de um plano de negócios inovador que pe...
Ecosystems play an important role in strategies for facing climate change because they address both ...
[EN] The establishing of the European Union (EU) has led to the creation of a stable economic market...
Corruption has been considered as one of the most prevalent and persistent challenges in enhancing e...
This research uses the Policy Regime Framework to analyze which of two policy problems, US-China ri...
Mestrado em Economia Monetária e FinanceiraO objetivo desta dissertação constitui em analisar a rela...
In order to explore the psychosocial and agroecological dimensions of sustainable diets and their ro...
The traditional governance system of S̲aik’uz̲ Whut’enne is rooted in a deep relationship with their...
277 p.La necesidad de un mayor conocimiento y una gestión sostenible de las áreas costeras ha suscit...
Treballs Finals del Grau d'Economia, Facultat d'Economia i Empresa, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: ...
Turvalise tarkvara arendusprotsessidel on tähtis roll turvalise tarkvara kavandamisel, aga erinevate...
En tiempos de catástrofe climática, la disciplina de subsidios y comercio internacional no parecen e...
Mestrado em Gestão/MBAExistem diversas formas de transferir tecnologia e conhecimento, quer através ...