Hermanson, Ronald E. and Howard P. Johnson. Generalized flood-frequency relationships. 247 Aronoff, Sam. Kinetics of the open, tricyclic system. 269 Welsh, Stanley L. Legumes of Alaska II: Oxytropis DC. 277 Atkins, R.E. Inheritance of reaction to race 15B of wheat stem rust in derivatives of Frontana and Triticum timopheevi Zhuk. 305 Richards. Lynda L. and Kenneth L. Knight. The horse flies and deer flies of Iowa (Diptera: Tabanidae.) 313 Carlson, Dale R. Fathead minnow, Pimephales promelas Rafinesque, in the Des Moines River, Boone County, Iowa, and the Skunk River drainage, Hamilton and Story Counties, Iowa. 363 Carlson, Irving T. Effects of clipping management on forage yield and leaf streak reaction of five orchardgrass varietie...