Life History of Two Plastic Species of Polygonum; Their Economic Role

  • Hayden, Ada
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Publication date
January 1935
UNI ScholarWorks


The fruits of Polygonum coccineum Muhl. and P. natans A. Eaton constitute an important source of food for waterfowl. Both species, particularly P. coccineum, commonly invade crops. Both are widely distributed in Iowa, and have been observed in the field in several forms and varieties: P. natans forma genuinum (A. Eaton) Stanford, and forma Hartwrightii (Gray) Stanford; P. Coccineum forma terrestrae (Willd.) Stanford, forma natans (Wiegand) Stanford, and var. pratincola (Greene) Stanford. The several forms of either species may occur on the single rootstock growing in dry ground bordering ponds. Each species has been converted from terrestrial to aquatic form under experimental control. All forms or varieties fruit under conditions of suffic...

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