栃木県の渡良瀬遊水地(利根川水系)で得られたコウライギギを標本に基づいた記録として報告する.ミトコンドリアDNA解析の結果,得られた標本のハプロタイプは霞ヶ浦で報告されているハプロタイプのひとつと一致し,渡良瀬遊水地で採集されたコウライギギの起源は同一であることが示唆された.また現在,渡良瀬遊水地で行われる漁業で本種は継続的に混獲されていることから,当地に定着して再生産していることが示唆された.Tachysurus fulvidraco is reported from Watarase Retarding Basin of the Tone River system in Tochigi Prefecture, central Japan, based on six specimens. Their haplotype of mitochondrial DNA is accorded with one of those reported from the fish caught in Lake Kasumigaura, Ibaraki Prefecture, central Japan, and the specimens collected in the basin appear to have the same origin. Recently, the species is continuously caught by fishermen in the basin, suggesting its establishment and reproduction there
Specimens of a species of the genus Temnosewellia Damborenea and Cannon (Temnocephalida: Temnocephal...
Insect fauna was investigated in a Miscanthus grassland used for roof material production in Otari V...
長野県大桑村を流れる木曽川水系伊奈川の支流,ケサ沢で採集したヤマトイワナの体表にチョウモドキ Argulus coregoni が寄生していた.採集場所は標高1075mで,本種が自然分布する最高標高地...
The number of stored-product insects captured by traps at the outdoors was examined from November 20...
中島敦(1909-42)は格調高い表現,学識,厭世観を特徴とする東京生まれの小説家で(Kodansha, 1993, p. 1038),1951年以後高等学校国語教科書採用の「山月記」(1942)で知...
The vase life of cut rose flowers is known to be extended by short-term treatment with sucrose plus ...
This paper aims to clarify the relationship between the negative remembrance and Horonai coal mine w...
A new sugarcane cultivar "NiTn20" developed by the National Agricultural Research Center for Kyushu ...
瀬戸内海中央部の大三島沖より採取したトゲヒメミョウガSmilium scorpio Aurivillius,1892は,ミョウガガイ科の一種であり,日本周辺海域において鹿島灘以南の水深35~100m ...
We study the momentum distributions of the final-state charged lepton in parton-parton collisions q¯...
Specimens of a species of the genus Temnosewellia Damborenea and Cannon (Temnocephalida: Temnocephal...
Insect fauna was investigated in a Miscanthus grassland used for roof material production in Otari V...
長野県大桑村を流れる木曽川水系伊奈川の支流,ケサ沢で採集したヤマトイワナの体表にチョウモドキ Argulus coregoni が寄生していた.採集場所は標高1075mで,本種が自然分布する最高標高地...
The number of stored-product insects captured by traps at the outdoors was examined from November 20...
中島敦(1909-42)は格調高い表現,学識,厭世観を特徴とする東京生まれの小説家で(Kodansha, 1993, p. 1038),1951年以後高等学校国語教科書採用の「山月記」(1942)で知...
The vase life of cut rose flowers is known to be extended by short-term treatment with sucrose plus ...
This paper aims to clarify the relationship between the negative remembrance and Horonai coal mine w...
A new sugarcane cultivar "NiTn20" developed by the National Agricultural Research Center for Kyushu ...
瀬戸内海中央部の大三島沖より採取したトゲヒメミョウガSmilium scorpio Aurivillius,1892は,ミョウガガイ科の一種であり,日本周辺海域において鹿島灘以南の水深35~100m ...
We study the momentum distributions of the final-state charged lepton in parton-parton collisions q¯...
Specimens of a species of the genus Temnosewellia Damborenea and Cannon (Temnocephalida: Temnocephal...
Insect fauna was investigated in a Miscanthus grassland used for roof material production in Otari V...