放射光X線の集光光学系を作製し,微小部での蛍光X線測定が可能な走査型X線顕微鏡を開発した.この顕微鏡により極微量の元素について蛍光X線法による定性,定量分析が可能であるだけでなく,X線吸収端微細構造(XAFS)スペクトルから局所での化学状態に関する情報を得ることができる.本論文では作製した顕微鏡についてX線集光光学系,検出限界,微量不純物の状態分析への応用を取り上げるとともに,放射光のエネルギー可変性を利用した蛍光X線定量分析法,蛍光X線収量法でのXAFS測定における自己吸収効果についても取り上げる.A scanning X-ray microprobe using synchrotron radiation was developed employing an X-ray focusing system with total reflection mirrors. Utilizing a Wolter mirror system, a hard X-ray microbeam was first realized. With an energy tunable X-ray microprobe, sensitivity in X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis can be optimized for the element of interest at less than 1 ppm in relative concentration. Moreover, small area X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) measurements with XRF detection can provide...
Synchrotron radiation induced total reflection X-ray fluorescence (TXRF) and conventional 45 degrees...
計畫編號:NSC101-2112-M032-005 研究期間:201208~201307 研究經費:913,000[[abstract]]本計畫擬以同步輻射X-光光譜對鈀與鉑之磁性,抱括,鈷及鎳合金薄...
X-ray fluorescence analysis has a long history as a conventional bulk elemental analysis with medium...
The application of synchrotron radiation to an x-ray microprobe for trace element analysis is a comp...
At the Synchrotron Radiation Source (SRS), Daresbury, U.K., a synchrotron microprobe was constructed...
High-energy synchrotrons are valuable sources of highly collimated, intense x-ray radiation for use ...
In many branches of science it is important to be able to measure elemental distributions on the mi...
The development of synchrotron radiation x-ray sources has provided the means to greatly extend the ...
L'arrivée du rayonnement synchrotron et les récents développements des optiques pour les rayons X on...
采用叠层式β‐γ符合探测器测量弱放射性氙同位素时,由于氙在β探测器(BC404)内壁吸附而增大了其本底,影响后续弱样品的测量。利用中子活化分析法在痕量元素分析中的高灵敏度、无损等特点,采用14.1 M...
Synchrotron X-ray facilities have the capability for numerous microanalytical methods with spatial r...
Biogeochemical studies often require characterization of elemental abundances and speciation in samp...
Synchrotron radiation induced total reflection X-ray fluorescence (TXRF) and conventional 45 degrees...
計畫編號:NSC101-2112-M032-005 研究期間:201208~201307 研究經費:913,000[[abstract]]本計畫擬以同步輻射X-光光譜對鈀與鉑之磁性,抱括,鈷及鎳合金薄...
X-ray fluorescence analysis has a long history as a conventional bulk elemental analysis with medium...
The application of synchrotron radiation to an x-ray microprobe for trace element analysis is a comp...
At the Synchrotron Radiation Source (SRS), Daresbury, U.K., a synchrotron microprobe was constructed...
High-energy synchrotrons are valuable sources of highly collimated, intense x-ray radiation for use ...
In many branches of science it is important to be able to measure elemental distributions on the mi...
The development of synchrotron radiation x-ray sources has provided the means to greatly extend the ...
L'arrivée du rayonnement synchrotron et les récents développements des optiques pour les rayons X on...
采用叠层式β‐γ符合探测器测量弱放射性氙同位素时,由于氙在β探测器(BC404)内壁吸附而增大了其本底,影响后续弱样品的测量。利用中子活化分析法在痕量元素分析中的高灵敏度、无损等特点,采用14.1 M...
Synchrotron X-ray facilities have the capability for numerous microanalytical methods with spatial r...
Biogeochemical studies often require characterization of elemental abundances and speciation in samp...
Synchrotron radiation induced total reflection X-ray fluorescence (TXRF) and conventional 45 degrees...
計畫編號:NSC101-2112-M032-005 研究期間:201208~201307 研究經費:913,000[[abstract]]本計畫擬以同步輻射X-光光譜對鈀與鉑之磁性,抱括,鈷及鎳合金薄...
X-ray fluorescence analysis has a long history as a conventional bulk elemental analysis with medium...