Faculty and students in the 1981 Comparative Pathology of Marine Invertebrates course at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, MAOne multi-image tiff file comprised of six images and six jpeg images.COMPPATH_1981-1.jpeg: Black and white group photo of the Comparative Pathology course in 1981. Twenty people shown.COMPPATH_1981-2.jpeg: Back of group photo. "Comp Path 1981" is handwritten in the upper left hand side.COMPPATH_1981-3.jpeg: A washed out copy of the group photo with hand written numbers 1-20 drawn over faces to designate identity. In the upper right hand corner is "comparative pathology Jan 81" handwrittien.COMPPATH_1981-5.jpeg: Handwritten list of people featured in the class photo. Title "Comp Path. Of Mar Invert" foll...