In the geothermal energy domain, it is common practice to drill a doublet (i.e. an injection and production well pair) system for heat production from the subsurface. Injector-producer spacing typically varies between 1 to 2 km. This well spacing distance is usually chosen through engineering judgement. The concept of drilling doublet systems is a result of exploiting geothermal systems locally within a larger geological system. Willems (2017), illustrated through engineering judgement the need for improved well placement strategies. There exists significantly greater scope to optimize well placement strategies on a regional (i.e. geological system) scale, in view of optimizing the net energy gained. Model based optimization of well locati...
Geothermal resources are often exploited by multiple independent operators with potentially conflict...
In the recent years, geothermal technology has received substantial attention as an alternative sour...
Geothermal energy has the potential to become a substantially greater contributor to the U.S. energy...
In the geothermal energy domain, it is common practice to drill a doublet (i.e. an injection and pro...
Well placement optimization is critical to commercial success of geothermal projects. However, uncer...
The lifetime of geothermal projects mainly depends on the thermal breakthrough (thermal breakthrough...
Geothermal energy has a high potential to contribute to a more sustainable energy system if the asso...
Well placement in a given geological setting for a fractured geothermal reservoir is necessary for e...
Attaining the proper values of main production parameters of operating geothermal installation: outf...
Direct Use Geothermal Systems (DUGS) are increasing their installed capacity worldwide and denser de...
Regenerative energy resources such as wind, water, and sun are the sources of choice that are ecolog...
The Netherlands has set the ambitious goal to be CO2 neutral by 2050 and signed the Paris Treaty in ...
Huge amounts of heat are stored in sedimentary aquifers in the Dutch subsurface. The amount of heat ...
Geothermal energy is gaining momentum as a renewable energy source. Reservoir simulation studies are...
The Theistareykir field is one of many high-temperature geothermal fields in Iceland. The developmen...
Geothermal resources are often exploited by multiple independent operators with potentially conflict...
In the recent years, geothermal technology has received substantial attention as an alternative sour...
Geothermal energy has the potential to become a substantially greater contributor to the U.S. energy...
In the geothermal energy domain, it is common practice to drill a doublet (i.e. an injection and pro...
Well placement optimization is critical to commercial success of geothermal projects. However, uncer...
The lifetime of geothermal projects mainly depends on the thermal breakthrough (thermal breakthrough...
Geothermal energy has a high potential to contribute to a more sustainable energy system if the asso...
Well placement in a given geological setting for a fractured geothermal reservoir is necessary for e...
Attaining the proper values of main production parameters of operating geothermal installation: outf...
Direct Use Geothermal Systems (DUGS) are increasing their installed capacity worldwide and denser de...
Regenerative energy resources such as wind, water, and sun are the sources of choice that are ecolog...
The Netherlands has set the ambitious goal to be CO2 neutral by 2050 and signed the Paris Treaty in ...
Huge amounts of heat are stored in sedimentary aquifers in the Dutch subsurface. The amount of heat ...
Geothermal energy is gaining momentum as a renewable energy source. Reservoir simulation studies are...
The Theistareykir field is one of many high-temperature geothermal fields in Iceland. The developmen...
Geothermal resources are often exploited by multiple independent operators with potentially conflict...
In the recent years, geothermal technology has received substantial attention as an alternative sour...
Geothermal energy has the potential to become a substantially greater contributor to the U.S. energy...