Passive elements such as filter inductors and capacitors occupy a significant amount of space in motor drives and have added penalties of increased system losses and weight. Traditionally, the filters are designed and introduced separately after the drive system components have been defined. This leads to discrete sub-systems which require a functional and structural integration to make efficient and power dense overall system. Such power dense system is the prerequisite in aerospace and marine applications. Therefore, the main focus of this thesis is to look at an integrated approach to design and optimize the filter inductor, both from functional and physical point of integration. Two novel integrative approaches for passive filter induc...
The DC-link filter which includes a magnetic inductor and a storage capacitor is one of the key part...
This paper presents a validation of the novel motorshaped rotational inductor. To validate the conce...
Power electronic circuits are a key player in many essential electrical systems and applications, e....
Passive elements such as filter inductors and capacitors occupy a significant amount of space in mot...
A close functional and structural integration of passive elements is required to improve the power d...
This paper presents novel integration options for passive inductor which include: motor-shaped rotat...
The present trend of aerospace industries is being shifted towards a “More Electric Aircraft” system...
The present trend of aerospace industries is being shifted towards a “More Electric Aircraft” system...
This paper presents a novel approach to integrate the output filter inductor in permanent magnet syn...
107 p.Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2007.Electric drives are becoming ...
Discrete sub-system due to passive elements in motor drive require functional and structural integra...
With the increased necessity of a high power density and efficient system in aerospace and marine in...
In order to make an efficient and power dense overall system, a close physical and functional integr...
This paper presents a validation of the novel motor-shaped rotational inductor. To validate the conc...
Research goal of this paper is to optimize two different electrical devices with respect to their ef...
The DC-link filter which includes a magnetic inductor and a storage capacitor is one of the key part...
This paper presents a validation of the novel motorshaped rotational inductor. To validate the conce...
Power electronic circuits are a key player in many essential electrical systems and applications, e....
Passive elements such as filter inductors and capacitors occupy a significant amount of space in mot...
A close functional and structural integration of passive elements is required to improve the power d...
This paper presents novel integration options for passive inductor which include: motor-shaped rotat...
The present trend of aerospace industries is being shifted towards a “More Electric Aircraft” system...
The present trend of aerospace industries is being shifted towards a “More Electric Aircraft” system...
This paper presents a novel approach to integrate the output filter inductor in permanent magnet syn...
107 p.Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2007.Electric drives are becoming ...
Discrete sub-system due to passive elements in motor drive require functional and structural integra...
With the increased necessity of a high power density and efficient system in aerospace and marine in...
In order to make an efficient and power dense overall system, a close physical and functional integr...
This paper presents a validation of the novel motor-shaped rotational inductor. To validate the conc...
Research goal of this paper is to optimize two different electrical devices with respect to their ef...
The DC-link filter which includes a magnetic inductor and a storage capacitor is one of the key part...
This paper presents a validation of the novel motorshaped rotational inductor. To validate the conce...
Power electronic circuits are a key player in many essential electrical systems and applications, e....