Marine pollution resulting from oil spillage has received much attention mostly due to the damaging effects it has on fisheries and aquacultures. One component of oil that is widely studied due to its toxic and carcinogenic properties is the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. The physical and chemical properties of these compounds control their distribution into the various phases of the environment. The rates of elimination of these compounds from impacted organisms were investigated in laboratory and field experiments using selected marine organisms (Mytilus edulis and Salmo salar). The elimination of individual PAH compounds followed first order kinetics. Elimination rate varied among compounds and generally decreased with increase in mol...
Retention and release of No. 2 fuel oil compounds by Mytilus edulis contaminated by a small oil spi...
Mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis were cross-transplanted at South Portugal from a reference site (s...
Crude oil spills damage marine ecosystems due to the potentially toxic nature of the petrochemical h...
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) are toxic constituents found in crude oils, which can be rem...
Oil spills are an important source of PAHs in marine and coastal areas and comprise a short- and lo...
The impact of produced water from oil and gas operations is not only a function of its chemical comp...
Environmentally persistent aromatic hydrocarbons known as unresolved complex mixtures (UCMs) derived...
Large anthropogenic discharges of oil annually enter the marine environment, in the magnitude from l...
The objectives of this study were: 1) to determine whether substances present in refinery process wa...
Diesel spills are common in Northwest coastal waters but there is little information about the rate ...
Contamination of the environment by petrogenic hydrocarbons continues to pose a threat to marine bio...
In the brackish water Baltic Sea, oil pollution is an ever-present and significant environmental thr...
Merged with duplicate record (10026.1/699) on 03.01.2017 by CS (TIS)This is a digitised version of a...
The April 2010 BP® oil spill has caused great concern for ecological impacts in the Gulf of Mexico. ...
Petroleum, coal and gas are used in enormous quantities to provide the energy for modern civilizatio...
Retention and release of No. 2 fuel oil compounds by Mytilus edulis contaminated by a small oil spi...
Mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis were cross-transplanted at South Portugal from a reference site (s...
Crude oil spills damage marine ecosystems due to the potentially toxic nature of the petrochemical h...
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) are toxic constituents found in crude oils, which can be rem...
Oil spills are an important source of PAHs in marine and coastal areas and comprise a short- and lo...
The impact of produced water from oil and gas operations is not only a function of its chemical comp...
Environmentally persistent aromatic hydrocarbons known as unresolved complex mixtures (UCMs) derived...
Large anthropogenic discharges of oil annually enter the marine environment, in the magnitude from l...
The objectives of this study were: 1) to determine whether substances present in refinery process wa...
Diesel spills are common in Northwest coastal waters but there is little information about the rate ...
Contamination of the environment by petrogenic hydrocarbons continues to pose a threat to marine bio...
In the brackish water Baltic Sea, oil pollution is an ever-present and significant environmental thr...
Merged with duplicate record (10026.1/699) on 03.01.2017 by CS (TIS)This is a digitised version of a...
The April 2010 BP® oil spill has caused great concern for ecological impacts in the Gulf of Mexico. ...
Petroleum, coal and gas are used in enormous quantities to provide the energy for modern civilizatio...
Retention and release of No. 2 fuel oil compounds by Mytilus edulis contaminated by a small oil spi...
Mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis were cross-transplanted at South Portugal from a reference site (s...
Crude oil spills damage marine ecosystems due to the potentially toxic nature of the petrochemical h...