There is growing reliable research evidence which supports the claim that the arts are positive for our health and wellbeing. Creative Health: The Arts for Health and Wellbeing, - the Report from the All Party Parliamentary Group on Arts Health and Wellbeing - offers an overview of practices, detailed case studies and recommendations. There are also a number of good practice guides which help organisations and practitioners plan and deliver participant focused arts initiatives in health and wellbeing settings: many of these communicate academic research into usable guides supporting best practice. These documents mentioned what may be needed in terms of practitioner support, but this varied in explanation and depth. The phrase ‘caring for t...
From the forward by Shirley Cramer, CEO, Royal Society for Public Health: The last few years have se...
Local service commissioners require information about a community's needs in order to make spending ...
Creative engagement offers many possibilities to support people living with health, psychological, a...
A national arts and health policy framework being developed in 2012 proposes whole of government eng...
Participatory arts are proven to support our heath and wellbeing, as evidenced in the "Creative Heal...
© 2018 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group Background: Many arts and health stud...
Background: Many arts and health studies have focused on evaluating the impact of participatory arts...
Creativity, health and wellbeing (CHW) has emerged as a multidisciplinary field of research, policy ...
This study explores the impact of creative arts on the health and well-being of six selected young a...
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to explore how participation in creative arts activity can enh...
This paper discusses research-guided practice in community-based arts in health activity in Britain....
There is general agreement nowadays of the value of the arts to our health and wellbeing, for instan...
This research project concerns arts practices in healthcare settings and the encounter between artis...
Introduction Arts and health is a collaboration of arts and health perspectives and exper tise (The ...
Health and art disciplines have worked in cooperation for the development of health from past to pre...
From the forward by Shirley Cramer, CEO, Royal Society for Public Health: The last few years have se...
Local service commissioners require information about a community's needs in order to make spending ...
Creative engagement offers many possibilities to support people living with health, psychological, a...
A national arts and health policy framework being developed in 2012 proposes whole of government eng...
Participatory arts are proven to support our heath and wellbeing, as evidenced in the "Creative Heal...
© 2018 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group Background: Many arts and health stud...
Background: Many arts and health studies have focused on evaluating the impact of participatory arts...
Creativity, health and wellbeing (CHW) has emerged as a multidisciplinary field of research, policy ...
This study explores the impact of creative arts on the health and well-being of six selected young a...
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to explore how participation in creative arts activity can enh...
This paper discusses research-guided practice in community-based arts in health activity in Britain....
There is general agreement nowadays of the value of the arts to our health and wellbeing, for instan...
This research project concerns arts practices in healthcare settings and the encounter between artis...
Introduction Arts and health is a collaboration of arts and health perspectives and exper tise (The ...
Health and art disciplines have worked in cooperation for the development of health from past to pre...
From the forward by Shirley Cramer, CEO, Royal Society for Public Health: The last few years have se...
Local service commissioners require information about a community's needs in order to make spending ...
Creative engagement offers many possibilities to support people living with health, psychological, a...