In September 2014, a few months after a landslide election victory, the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced the launch of “Make in India,” an ambitious program designed to turn India into a global manufacturing hub. One of the factors widely thought to be responsible for Modi’s victory was support from India’s “neo-middle class”—a young, newly- urbanized section of the electorate seeking employment and improved living standards but struggling amidst an economic downturn. In a speech inaugurating Make in India, Modi linked the program with the aspirations of this section of society. Modi stated the need to elevate the status of the poor-to-middle class as fast as possible, noting that sixty-five percent of India’s population was ag...
Over the past few decades, India has become one of the world’s most vibrant economies (Chari & Banal...
258-265As per the Patents Act, 1970 one of the patentability criteria is ‘the invention should have ...
Amidst world economic powers India pursuits to acquire 8% average growth potential from 2016 to 2020...
In September 2014, a few months after a landslide election victory, the Indian Prime Minister Narend...
India is a land of massive potential with its abundant natural resources and young, talented workfor...
Make in India has become a flagship initiation by Indian Government, not just remaining a mere campa...
The high octane propaganda of Make-in-India seeks to make India a global manufacturing hub, by takin...
In recent years India has emerged as a major destination for corporate research and development (R&D...
India presents an interesting example of a country with immense economic potential, cultural diversi...
India is one of the few large economies that have functioning national systems of innovation. It has...
India is one of the few large economies that have functioning national systems of innovation. It has...
The very recent and ambitious campaign of Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi aims to turn the country...
One of the world's largest economies, India has made tremendous strides in its economic and social d...
India is going to have the second largest population and one of the largest markets in the world, h...
119-130Patents are considered to be the most authoritative rights which incentivise the knowledge pr...
Over the past few decades, India has become one of the world’s most vibrant economies (Chari & Banal...
258-265As per the Patents Act, 1970 one of the patentability criteria is ‘the invention should have ...
Amidst world economic powers India pursuits to acquire 8% average growth potential from 2016 to 2020...
In September 2014, a few months after a landslide election victory, the Indian Prime Minister Narend...
India is a land of massive potential with its abundant natural resources and young, talented workfor...
Make in India has become a flagship initiation by Indian Government, not just remaining a mere campa...
The high octane propaganda of Make-in-India seeks to make India a global manufacturing hub, by takin...
In recent years India has emerged as a major destination for corporate research and development (R&D...
India presents an interesting example of a country with immense economic potential, cultural diversi...
India is one of the few large economies that have functioning national systems of innovation. It has...
India is one of the few large economies that have functioning national systems of innovation. It has...
The very recent and ambitious campaign of Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi aims to turn the country...
One of the world's largest economies, India has made tremendous strides in its economic and social d...
India is going to have the second largest population and one of the largest markets in the world, h...
119-130Patents are considered to be the most authoritative rights which incentivise the knowledge pr...
Over the past few decades, India has become one of the world’s most vibrant economies (Chari & Banal...
258-265As per the Patents Act, 1970 one of the patentability criteria is ‘the invention should have ...
Amidst world economic powers India pursuits to acquire 8% average growth potential from 2016 to 2020...