Šī darba mērķis bija noskaidrot pretdiabēta līdzekļa metformīna radītos efektus Alcheimera slimības (AD) streptozotocīna (STZ) modeļa žurkām sociālās uzvedības testā. Iegūtie rezultāti rāda, ka metformīns gan devā 75 mg/kg, gan 100 mg/kg būtiski uzlaboja AD modeļa žurku sociālo interesi un īstermiņa atmiņu. Iegūtie dati liecina, ka metformīns spēj uzlabot AD STZ modeļa žurku interesi par nepazīstamu dzīvnieku un rosināt sociālo kontaktu. Tomēr nepieciešami tālāki pētījumi, lai noteiktu metformīna sociabilitāti veicinošus celulāros un molekulāros mehānismus.The aim of this study was to determine the effects of antidiabetic drug metformin on the Alzheimer's disease (AD) streptozotocin (STZ) model rats using the 3-chamber sociability test. The...
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is one of the most devastating brain disorders. Currently, there are no eff...
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is one of the most devastating brain disorders. Currently, there are no eff...
Background: Aging is an inevitable physiological process, associated with a decline in cognitive fun...
Alcheimera slimība ir hroniska neirodeģeneratīva slimība, kas raksturojas ar progresējošu kognitīvo ...
levads. Glikozes metabolisma traucējumi un kognitīvie traucējumi ir vienas no agrīnām sporādiskās Al...
Alcheimera slimība (AD) ir pasaulē visbiežāk sastopamā neirodeģeneratīvā saslimšana, kā arī biežākai...
Alcheimera slimība ir visbiežāk sastopamā neirodeģeneratīvā saslimšana, kad lēni un pakāpeniski noti...
Šajā pētījumā noteica perorāli ievadīta metformīna (75 mg/kg un 100 mg/kg devās) efektus uz vairākie...
Background and objective: Insulin and its receptor are located in the central nervous system where i...
The effect of metformin on memory retention of inhibitory avoidance learning in streptozotocin-induc...
Introduction: Studies have indicated that metformine has different effects on learning and memory. I...
Background & objectives: Epidemiological Studies have shown that diabetes increase the risk of devel...
The onset of Alzheimer disease (AD) is influenced by several risk factors comprising diabetes. Withi...
The onset of Alzheimer disease (AD) is influenced by several risk factors comprising diabetes. Withi...
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is one of the most devastating brain disorders. Currently, there are no eff...
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is one of the most devastating brain disorders. Currently, there are no eff...
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is one of the most devastating brain disorders. Currently, there are no eff...
Background: Aging is an inevitable physiological process, associated with a decline in cognitive fun...
Alcheimera slimība ir hroniska neirodeģeneratīva slimība, kas raksturojas ar progresējošu kognitīvo ...
levads. Glikozes metabolisma traucējumi un kognitīvie traucējumi ir vienas no agrīnām sporādiskās Al...
Alcheimera slimība (AD) ir pasaulē visbiežāk sastopamā neirodeģeneratīvā saslimšana, kā arī biežākai...
Alcheimera slimība ir visbiežāk sastopamā neirodeģeneratīvā saslimšana, kad lēni un pakāpeniski noti...
Šajā pētījumā noteica perorāli ievadīta metformīna (75 mg/kg un 100 mg/kg devās) efektus uz vairākie...
Background and objective: Insulin and its receptor are located in the central nervous system where i...
The effect of metformin on memory retention of inhibitory avoidance learning in streptozotocin-induc...
Introduction: Studies have indicated that metformine has different effects on learning and memory. I...
Background & objectives: Epidemiological Studies have shown that diabetes increase the risk of devel...
The onset of Alzheimer disease (AD) is influenced by several risk factors comprising diabetes. Withi...
The onset of Alzheimer disease (AD) is influenced by several risk factors comprising diabetes. Withi...
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is one of the most devastating brain disorders. Currently, there are no eff...
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is one of the most devastating brain disorders. Currently, there are no eff...
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is one of the most devastating brain disorders. Currently, there are no eff...
Background: Aging is an inevitable physiological process, associated with a decline in cognitive fun...