Poliprenoli (PP) uzrāda antibakteriālu, pretiekaisuma iedarbību, aknu šūnu protektējošu efektu, mazina muskuļu vājumu un iedarbojas uz centrālo nervu sistēmu (Zhang, 2015). Darba mērķis bija noskaidrot egļu skuju PP ietekmi uz kortizola līmeni un asins bioķīmiskajiem marķieriem. Rezultāti liecina, ka vienas nedēļas PP lietošana (60mg/dienā) ir droša un samazina kortizola koncentrāciju, kā arī spēj ietekmē noteiktus asins bioķīmiskos marķierus asinīs, salīdzinot ar kontroles grupu, nepārsniedzot noteiktās normas robežas.Polyprenols (PP) exhibit antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and liver cell protective effects, relieve muscle weakness and act on the central nervous system (Zhang, 2015). The aim of the study was to find out the effect of sp...
Recent studies showed hepatoprotective, neuroprotective, and immunomodulatory properties of polypren...
Background. Dyslipidemia has been well-known as a common metabolic disorder contributing to cardiova...
Atherosclerosis prevention is now a major focus of the scientific community and the phar...
Darbā apkopota informācija par poliprenolu liposomālā uztura bagātinātāja “SuperCell” lietošanas iet...
Statīni, kā seruma lipīdus reducējoši līdzekļi, spēj mazināt koronāro un cerebrovaskulāro slimību pr...
Background and objective: Statin-induced myopathy (SIM) has been partially attributed to deficiency ...
Poliprenoli (PP) ir izdalīti no augiem, tai skaitā, no skujkokiem. To ietekme uz centrālās nervu sis...
Propolis je smolasta tvar koju skupljaju pčele. Propolis je lipofilan materijal koji je čvrst i loml...
Purpose: To investigate the hypolipidemic potential of the 70 % ethanol fruit extract of Prosopis ci...
Ekstrakt cvijeta trnine (ECT) bogat je bioaktivnim molekulama – polifenolima. Metodom tekućinske kro...
UNLABELLED:A dietary supplement (AP, Armolipid Plus) that combines red yeast rice extract, policosan...
BACKGROUND: Polyphenols are bioactive compounds that can be found mostly in foods like fruits, cere...
Background: Polyphenols are bioactive compounds that can be found mostly in foods like fruits, cerea...
BACKGROUND: Polyphenols are a family of natural antioxidants that in recent years have been studi...
Preliminary studies underline that berberine, monacolink, hydroxytyrosol and Q10 coenzyme can be use...
Recent studies showed hepatoprotective, neuroprotective, and immunomodulatory properties of polypren...
Background. Dyslipidemia has been well-known as a common metabolic disorder contributing to cardiova...
Atherosclerosis prevention is now a major focus of the scientific community and the phar...
Darbā apkopota informācija par poliprenolu liposomālā uztura bagātinātāja “SuperCell” lietošanas iet...
Statīni, kā seruma lipīdus reducējoši līdzekļi, spēj mazināt koronāro un cerebrovaskulāro slimību pr...
Background and objective: Statin-induced myopathy (SIM) has been partially attributed to deficiency ...
Poliprenoli (PP) ir izdalīti no augiem, tai skaitā, no skujkokiem. To ietekme uz centrālās nervu sis...
Propolis je smolasta tvar koju skupljaju pčele. Propolis je lipofilan materijal koji je čvrst i loml...
Purpose: To investigate the hypolipidemic potential of the 70 % ethanol fruit extract of Prosopis ci...
Ekstrakt cvijeta trnine (ECT) bogat je bioaktivnim molekulama – polifenolima. Metodom tekućinske kro...
UNLABELLED:A dietary supplement (AP, Armolipid Plus) that combines red yeast rice extract, policosan...
BACKGROUND: Polyphenols are bioactive compounds that can be found mostly in foods like fruits, cere...
Background: Polyphenols are bioactive compounds that can be found mostly in foods like fruits, cerea...
BACKGROUND: Polyphenols are a family of natural antioxidants that in recent years have been studi...
Preliminary studies underline that berberine, monacolink, hydroxytyrosol and Q10 coenzyme can be use...
Recent studies showed hepatoprotective, neuroprotective, and immunomodulatory properties of polypren...
Background. Dyslipidemia has been well-known as a common metabolic disorder contributing to cardiova...
Atherosclerosis prevention is now a major focus of the scientific community and the phar...