Ievads: Sausās acs sindroms ir multifaktoriālu cēloņu izraisīta patoloģija, kas var izraisīt acu diskomfortu, redzes traucējumus. Palielinātas redzes slodzes ietekmē, sausās acs sindroma pacientiem novēro sausās acs sindroma diagnosticējamo izmeklējumu objektīvas izmaiņas. Mērķis: Izvērtēt kvalitatīvā un kvantitatīvā asaru sastāva un acs virsmas izmaiņas pacientiem ar sausās acs sindromu pirms un pēc pastiprinātas redzes slodzes. Metodes: Prospektīvs pētījums, kurā tika veikti sausās acs sindroma diagnostiskie izmeklējumi: izvērtēts asaru sabrukšanas laiks, radzenes krāsošana, izmantojot fluorescīnu, konjunktīvas krāsošana, izmantojot lizamīnzaļo krāsvielu, Širmera tests, meibogrāfija, interferometrija, mirkšķināšanu skaits. Pēc izmeklējum...
Retinopatisi bulunan Tip II Diyabetes Mellituslu (DM) olgularda kuru göz ve blefarit sıklığını araşt...
ento projekt nese název Suché oko a zvýšená osmolarita slzného filmu. V teoretické části práce je po...
Abstract Background The aim of this research is to initiate a 5-year natural history study of dry ey...
Maģistra darbs ir uzrakstīts angļu valodā uz 5 5 lappaspusēm. Tas satur 13 attēlus, 19 tabulas un 30...
Amaç: Kuru göz hastalarında, topikal siklosporin tedavisinin gözyaşı, menisküs parametreleri ve okül...
Porast broja ljudi sa simptomima suvog oka u svetu, prati i porast interesovanja za bolje razumevanj...
Objectives: The assessment of three commercially available artificial tear formulations for dry eye ...
International audienceBackground: In clinical practice, fluctuating vision or decreased quality of v...
Bakalaura darbs ir uzrakstīts latviešu valodā uz 40 lapām, satur 26 attēlus, 9 tabulas un 42 atsauce...
The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of dryeye symptoms in the Swedish population...
PURPOSE: To compare concentrations of tear cytokines in 3 groups composed of Sjögren syndrome (SS) d...
Purpose: To determine if the Schirmer I test (without anesthesia) cut-off value is a predictor of dr...
Gözyaşı Filmi ve Oküler Yüzey (Tearfilm and Ocular Surface) Çalışma Grubu’nun Kuru Göz Çalışma (Dry ...
Kuru göz gözyaşı yetersizliğinden ya da aşırı gözyaşı buharlaşmasından kaynaklanan, interpalpebral a...
PURPOSE: To investigate the characteristics of ocular surface sensations and corneal sensitivity dur...
Retinopatisi bulunan Tip II Diyabetes Mellituslu (DM) olgularda kuru göz ve blefarit sıklığını araşt...
ento projekt nese název Suché oko a zvýšená osmolarita slzného filmu. V teoretické části práce je po...
Abstract Background The aim of this research is to initiate a 5-year natural history study of dry ey...
Maģistra darbs ir uzrakstīts angļu valodā uz 5 5 lappaspusēm. Tas satur 13 attēlus, 19 tabulas un 30...
Amaç: Kuru göz hastalarında, topikal siklosporin tedavisinin gözyaşı, menisküs parametreleri ve okül...
Porast broja ljudi sa simptomima suvog oka u svetu, prati i porast interesovanja za bolje razumevanj...
Objectives: The assessment of three commercially available artificial tear formulations for dry eye ...
International audienceBackground: In clinical practice, fluctuating vision or decreased quality of v...
Bakalaura darbs ir uzrakstīts latviešu valodā uz 40 lapām, satur 26 attēlus, 9 tabulas un 42 atsauce...
The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of dryeye symptoms in the Swedish population...
PURPOSE: To compare concentrations of tear cytokines in 3 groups composed of Sjögren syndrome (SS) d...
Purpose: To determine if the Schirmer I test (without anesthesia) cut-off value is a predictor of dr...
Gözyaşı Filmi ve Oküler Yüzey (Tearfilm and Ocular Surface) Çalışma Grubu’nun Kuru Göz Çalışma (Dry ...
Kuru göz gözyaşı yetersizliğinden ya da aşırı gözyaşı buharlaşmasından kaynaklanan, interpalpebral a...
PURPOSE: To investigate the characteristics of ocular surface sensations and corneal sensitivity dur...
Retinopatisi bulunan Tip II Diyabetes Mellituslu (DM) olgularda kuru göz ve blefarit sıklığını araşt...
ento projekt nese název Suché oko a zvýšená osmolarita slzného filmu. V teoretické části práce je po...
Abstract Background The aim of this research is to initiate a 5-year natural history study of dry ey...