Eiropas Savienība ir daudzveidīga dalībvalstu grupa, un dzimumu līdztiesības attīstība kopš 1950. gada vēl nav pastāvīga un lineāra, kas savukārt ietekmē arī Eiropas Parlamenta dzimumu līdzsvaru. Pētījumā ir novērtēts sieviešu īpatsvars parlamentos, pamatojoties uz publiski pieejamiem datiem, ko apkopojuši galvenokārt Eurostat, Pasaules ekonomikas forums, Eiropas Dzimumu līdztiesības institūts un Starptautiskais demokrātijas un vēlēšanu palīdzības institūts. Pētījumā tika konstatēts, ka neatkarīgi no izmantotā dzimuma kvotu veida un īstenošanas perioda, dzimumu līdzsvara politikā bija dažādi rezultāti, tāpēc katrai valstij bija nepieciešama pielāgota pieeja.The European Union is a diverse group of member states, and the progress and develop...
Women in the European Parliament are as of now underrepresented. Women make up more than half of all...
Tématem práce jsou genderové kvóty analyzované z pohledu vybraných feministických proudů. Analýza bu...
This paper proposes to investigate the influence of legislative quotas on gender differences in poli...
Bakalaura darba tēma ir „Dzimumu līdztiesības Eiropas Savienības postsociālistisko valstu parlamento...
Abstract The report maps the diffusion of electoral gender quotas in the 30 EU/EEA countries. In 21...
Gender equality is a very important social value, which has a long-lasting tradition in European Uni...
Diplomsko delo obravnava pomen političnega predstavništva žensk ter enakomerne zastopanosti spolov v...
Skoraj vse sodobne demokracije se v politiki soočajo s težavo majhnega deleža žensk. V Sloveniji je ...
This research is an examination of the impact of gender quotas in EU legislative bodies, analyzing d...
This book thus proposes a timely assessment of the adoption and diffusion of gender quotas in three ...
Female representation in political decision-making positions is now a salient issue in public discus...
Immediately after the fall of communism women’s representation in Central and Eastern European Parli...
Female representation in political decision-making positions is now a salient issue in public discus...
This paper investigates the effect of applying gender quotas on policy decisions. I first examine th...
This bachelor thesis addresses the problem of gender inequality through the analysis of the relation...
Women in the European Parliament are as of now underrepresented. Women make up more than half of all...
Tématem práce jsou genderové kvóty analyzované z pohledu vybraných feministických proudů. Analýza bu...
This paper proposes to investigate the influence of legislative quotas on gender differences in poli...
Bakalaura darba tēma ir „Dzimumu līdztiesības Eiropas Savienības postsociālistisko valstu parlamento...
Abstract The report maps the diffusion of electoral gender quotas in the 30 EU/EEA countries. In 21...
Gender equality is a very important social value, which has a long-lasting tradition in European Uni...
Diplomsko delo obravnava pomen političnega predstavništva žensk ter enakomerne zastopanosti spolov v...
Skoraj vse sodobne demokracije se v politiki soočajo s težavo majhnega deleža žensk. V Sloveniji je ...
This research is an examination of the impact of gender quotas in EU legislative bodies, analyzing d...
This book thus proposes a timely assessment of the adoption and diffusion of gender quotas in three ...
Female representation in political decision-making positions is now a salient issue in public discus...
Immediately after the fall of communism women’s representation in Central and Eastern European Parli...
Female representation in political decision-making positions is now a salient issue in public discus...
This paper investigates the effect of applying gender quotas on policy decisions. I first examine th...
This bachelor thesis addresses the problem of gender inequality through the analysis of the relation...
Women in the European Parliament are as of now underrepresented. Women make up more than half of all...
Tématem práce jsou genderové kvóty analyzované z pohledu vybraných feministických proudů. Analýza bu...
This paper proposes to investigate the influence of legislative quotas on gender differences in poli...