Šī darba mērķis ir, kritiski analizējot Teodora Adorno Estētikas teoriju, atklāt un detalizēti izklāstīt potenciāli fundamentālu paradoksu, un rast tam risinājumu. Adorno raksturo moderno mākslu kā autonomu un "melnu" entitāti, kas ir neierobežota un bezmērķīga, bet viņš to arī raksturo kā racionālu entitāti, kas mērķtiecīgi īsteno "skaistā" nosacījumus. Tas nozīmē, ka modernā māksla ir ierobežota nepārkāpt tos nosacījumus, kas to padara "skaistu". Beigās nākas secināt, ka tieši šī paradoksalitāte ļauj modernajai mākslai realizēt "skaistā" nosacījumus. Modernajai mākslai ir jābūt absolūti neierobežotai un bezmērķīgai, lai tā būtu "skaista". Modernās mākslas vienīgais ierobežojums ir tās vēlme pēc "skaistā", bet šī vēlme nav absolūts ierobež...
The article deals with the concept of the death of art in Adorno's "Aesthetic Theory". The peculiari...
Adorno points out the philosophical transcendence of art but –against Hegel– he does it on the base ...
Theodor W. Adorno aesthetics is considered as the last and the most important theory, which is formu...
Modern dünyayı totaliter örgütlenmeler yoluyla denetim altına alınmış bir yer olaraksunan Adorno, ba...
Šī darba mērķis ir apskatīt ideju par cildeno, kas rodama Teodora Adorno darbā 'Estētikas teorija', ...
Adorno’s dialectical approach to aesthetics is perhaps understood better in terms of his monumental ...
This article is an attempt to re-read the magnum opus of Adorno's philosophy, namely Aesthetic Theor...
This article is an attempt to re-read the magnum opus of Adorno’s philosophy, namely Aesthetic...
Este artigo tem como objetivo principal analisar a relação entre utopia negativa e catástrofe na Est...
Some discussions in contemporary aesthetics, as, for instance, the one by Arthur Danto, focusi...
When it comes to truth for Theodor W. Adorno, art and philosophy are closely entangled. Due to their...
My purpose with this thesis is to examine Adorno’s rethinking of the aesthetic concept of form, in h...
This paper has as main goal to analyze the relation between negative utopia and catastrophe in Theo...
Mimesis, in Theodor W. Adorno’s and respectively, Max Horkheimer’s philosophy emerges as a certain p...
Summary The aim of this paper is to provide an examination of the concept of aesthetic rationality ...
The article deals with the concept of the death of art in Adorno's "Aesthetic Theory". The peculiari...
Adorno points out the philosophical transcendence of art but –against Hegel– he does it on the base ...
Theodor W. Adorno aesthetics is considered as the last and the most important theory, which is formu...
Modern dünyayı totaliter örgütlenmeler yoluyla denetim altına alınmış bir yer olaraksunan Adorno, ba...
Šī darba mērķis ir apskatīt ideju par cildeno, kas rodama Teodora Adorno darbā 'Estētikas teorija', ...
Adorno’s dialectical approach to aesthetics is perhaps understood better in terms of his monumental ...
This article is an attempt to re-read the magnum opus of Adorno's philosophy, namely Aesthetic Theor...
This article is an attempt to re-read the magnum opus of Adorno’s philosophy, namely Aesthetic...
Este artigo tem como objetivo principal analisar a relação entre utopia negativa e catástrofe na Est...
Some discussions in contemporary aesthetics, as, for instance, the one by Arthur Danto, focusi...
When it comes to truth for Theodor W. Adorno, art and philosophy are closely entangled. Due to their...
My purpose with this thesis is to examine Adorno’s rethinking of the aesthetic concept of form, in h...
This paper has as main goal to analyze the relation between negative utopia and catastrophe in Theo...
Mimesis, in Theodor W. Adorno’s and respectively, Max Horkheimer’s philosophy emerges as a certain p...
Summary The aim of this paper is to provide an examination of the concept of aesthetic rationality ...
The article deals with the concept of the death of art in Adorno's "Aesthetic Theory". The peculiari...
Adorno points out the philosophical transcendence of art but –against Hegel– he does it on the base ...
Theodor W. Adorno aesthetics is considered as the last and the most important theory, which is formu...