Maģistra darbs Meksikas revolūcija un pilsoņu karš padomju un mūsdienu krievu historiogrāfijā pēta atšķirības tajās. Tas parāda, ka padomju historiogrāfijā personai nebija būtiskas lomas procesu attīstībā. Visu noteica šķiru cīņa, tās loģika saskaņā ar dialektiskā materiālisma principiem. Pilnīgi pretēji mūsdienu krievu historiogrāfijā tiek noliegta šķiru cīņas loma, tiek izcelta personības nozīme revolūcijas un pilsoņu kara notikumos un tiem sekojošā valsts stabilizācijā. Īpaša uzmanība maģistra darbā tiek pievērsta valsts un Baznīcas attiecībām, armijas reformai un agrāro problēmu risināšanai Meksikas revolūcijas un pilsoņu kara notikumos.Master's Thesis The Mexican Revolution and the Civil War in Soviet and contemporary Russian historiog...
Bu makalede Yahudi bir Sovyet yazarı olan İsaak E. Babel’in öyküleri üzerinde durduk. Yazar “İç Sava...
Bakalářská práce se věnuje tématu španělské občanské války v letech 1936-1939. Popisuje situaci pře...
The author analyzes modern Russian history from a new perspective. Due to the ideological heritage o...
The paper analyzes the main landmarks in the historiography of Russia’s Civil War, both Russian and ...
Práce se zabývá odrazem ruské občanské války (1918-1921) v československé společnosti. Zaměřuje se n...
Bakalářská práce Ruská občanská válka a úloha československých legií je zaměřena na analýzu vzniku a...
© Serials Publications. The importance of the research topic is determined by the lack of the single...
Bakalaura darbs ir veltīts 1905.gada notikumu atspoguļojumam Latvijas padomju historiogrāfijā. Kā pi...
The paper studies the modern understanding of the origins, genesis and contents of the Civil War in ...
The article seeks to analyze the historical aspects of the Russian Revolution and the actuality of i...
© The authors. The urgency of the problem stems from the fact that the history of the Czechoslovak C...
Straipsnyje nagrinėjamos vadinamosios „suvoroviškosios“ istorinės publicistikos tendencijos. Istorin...
The encounter of Bolshevik leaders and militants with Mexico during the 1920s was determined by the ...
The urgency of the problem stems from the fact that the history of the Czechoslovak Corps is viewed ...
The history of Russian Revolution was pervaded by strong ideological disputes and political interest...
Bu makalede Yahudi bir Sovyet yazarı olan İsaak E. Babel’in öyküleri üzerinde durduk. Yazar “İç Sava...
Bakalářská práce se věnuje tématu španělské občanské války v letech 1936-1939. Popisuje situaci pře...
The author analyzes modern Russian history from a new perspective. Due to the ideological heritage o...
The paper analyzes the main landmarks in the historiography of Russia’s Civil War, both Russian and ...
Práce se zabývá odrazem ruské občanské války (1918-1921) v československé společnosti. Zaměřuje se n...
Bakalářská práce Ruská občanská válka a úloha československých legií je zaměřena na analýzu vzniku a...
© Serials Publications. The importance of the research topic is determined by the lack of the single...
Bakalaura darbs ir veltīts 1905.gada notikumu atspoguļojumam Latvijas padomju historiogrāfijā. Kā pi...
The paper studies the modern understanding of the origins, genesis and contents of the Civil War in ...
The article seeks to analyze the historical aspects of the Russian Revolution and the actuality of i...
© The authors. The urgency of the problem stems from the fact that the history of the Czechoslovak C...
Straipsnyje nagrinėjamos vadinamosios „suvoroviškosios“ istorinės publicistikos tendencijos. Istorin...
The encounter of Bolshevik leaders and militants with Mexico during the 1920s was determined by the ...
The urgency of the problem stems from the fact that the history of the Czechoslovak Corps is viewed ...
The history of Russian Revolution was pervaded by strong ideological disputes and political interest...
Bu makalede Yahudi bir Sovyet yazarı olan İsaak E. Babel’in öyküleri üzerinde durduk. Yazar “İç Sava...
Bakalářská práce se věnuje tématu španělské občanské války v letech 1936-1939. Popisuje situaci pře...
The author analyzes modern Russian history from a new perspective. Due to the ideological heritage o...