Pētījuma tēma ir ciešamās kārtas lietojums anotācijās. Ciešamā kārta dzimtās un svešvalodas akadēmiskajos rakstos ir pētīta pirms (Hinkele, 2004); taču to lietojums anotācijās netiek pētīts. Šis pētījums attiecas uz ciešamās kārtas analīzi angļu kā svešvalodas studentu bakalaura darbu anotācijās un pētnieku zinātnisko rakstu anotācijās. Teorētiskais pamatojums ir balstīts uz Kvirka (Quirk et al., 1985), Baibera (Biber et al.,1999), Hadlestona un Pulluma (Huddleston un Pullum 2005), Kollinas un Hollo (Collins un Hollo 2010) un citu autoru darbiem. Pētījums ietver aprakstošās un secinošās statistikas rīkus un specializētā korpusa piemēru kvalitatīvās analīzes aspektus. Rezultātu aprakstā ir aprakstītas ciešamās kārtas izmantošanas variācijas...
Passive voice is commonly preferred in certain genres such as academic essays and news reports, desp...
ABSTRACT Shitadevi, Ida Ayu. 2013. The Use of Active and Passive Voice Constructions to Reveal Sta...
The Passive Voice is an important issue of English grammar. First I am going to analyze the similia...
Ir zināms, ka ciešamā kārta tiek bieži vien pielietota lietišķajā stilā, bet tā nav tik bieži sastop...
Pētījumi par laikrakstiem un ciešamo kārtu ir tikuši veikti, taču ne plaši. Šī bakalaura darba mērķi...
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Washington, 1997The passive voice is typically thought to be wordy, i...
Bakalaura darba Darbības vārda ciešamā kārta un valodas normēšana mērķis ir analizēt ciešamo kārtu,...
This final report describes the use of passive voice in the methodology chapter of the students’ fin...
This study investigated passive voice use in theses of Graduate EFL students, Universitas Negeri Mal...
In contrast to past consensus, many authors now feel that the passive voice compromises the quality ...
The paper studies the use of the passive voice in academic texts written in Mainland Scandinavian la...
International audienceSome recent research has suggested that use of the passive voice in scientific...
The passive voice is a very challenging part of English grammar. The aim of this paper is to examine...
This study is aimed at analyzing types and causes of the students’ errors in the use of passive vo...
Passive voice can be defined as a construction in which the object of a verb appears in the position...
Passive voice is commonly preferred in certain genres such as academic essays and news reports, desp...
ABSTRACT Shitadevi, Ida Ayu. 2013. The Use of Active and Passive Voice Constructions to Reveal Sta...
The Passive Voice is an important issue of English grammar. First I am going to analyze the similia...
Ir zināms, ka ciešamā kārta tiek bieži vien pielietota lietišķajā stilā, bet tā nav tik bieži sastop...
Pētījumi par laikrakstiem un ciešamo kārtu ir tikuši veikti, taču ne plaši. Šī bakalaura darba mērķi...
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Washington, 1997The passive voice is typically thought to be wordy, i...
Bakalaura darba Darbības vārda ciešamā kārta un valodas normēšana mērķis ir analizēt ciešamo kārtu,...
This final report describes the use of passive voice in the methodology chapter of the students’ fin...
This study investigated passive voice use in theses of Graduate EFL students, Universitas Negeri Mal...
In contrast to past consensus, many authors now feel that the passive voice compromises the quality ...
The paper studies the use of the passive voice in academic texts written in Mainland Scandinavian la...
International audienceSome recent research has suggested that use of the passive voice in scientific...
The passive voice is a very challenging part of English grammar. The aim of this paper is to examine...
This study is aimed at analyzing types and causes of the students’ errors in the use of passive vo...
Passive voice can be defined as a construction in which the object of a verb appears in the position...
Passive voice is commonly preferred in certain genres such as academic essays and news reports, desp...
ABSTRACT Shitadevi, Ida Ayu. 2013. The Use of Active and Passive Voice Constructions to Reveal Sta...
The Passive Voice is an important issue of English grammar. First I am going to analyze the similia...