Evolución de la contaduría pública en el municipio de Sincelejo-Sucre (1966-2017)

  • Mercado Covo, Tatiana Margarita
  • Pestana Arellano, Roberto
  • Castaño Ríos, Carlos Eduardo
Publication date
January 2017


The principal aim of this research to describe the historical development of accounting practices in Sincelejo -Sucre, an interview was conducted with seven public accountants from the city of Sincelejo who had sufficient experience to deal with the analysis of the period from 1966 to 2017. This work was complemented by the review of historical accounting documents in the city and study of the university institutions where the first professional accountants of the city were formed. CECAR University stands out as a pioneer in the training of public accountants in the city and region, the strong and rapid evolution of information technologies to process accounting data, especially from the 90's onwards, the difficulties to face so many change...

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