También la interpretación en un collage: conjeturas en torno a Pedro Manrique Figueroa

  • Duarte Riascos, Jerónimo
Publication date
January 2010
Departamento de Humanidades y Literatura. Universidad de Los Andes


Pedro Manrique Figueroa is a pivotal figure in Colombian art history. All that is left from his life and work are memories, perhaps that is the reason why his existence swirls around reality and fiction. This article, after briefly describing the character�s genesis, aims to analyze Manrique from two different points of view. The first one will try to examine the act of creation with the tools provided by the theories of Foucault, Huizinga and Caillois. The second one, will approach the character to study its performative qualities.Pedro Manrique Figueroa es un personaje central en la historia del arte colombiano. De su vida y obra no quedan más que huellas, y es quizás por esta razón que su existencia se encuentra a medio camino entra la r...

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