In 2015 and 2016, the Proyecto Arqueológico Centro de Nicaragua ( Pacen) conducted several fieldwork seasons which focused on surface survey and mound recording. The main goal of this research was to systematically document the synchronic and diachronic variability in pre-Hispanic material culture found throughout the Mayales River subbasin, particularly in the valley north of Juigalpa, in the department of Chontales. The study started as a full-coverage, high intensity surface survey in a 52 sq km area, as well as the recording of all sites featuring architecture within a 42 sq km subarea. Surface ceramics were mainly found on the riverbanks, while chipped stone presented lower densities distributed uniformly throughout the area, similar t...
International audienceRecent archaeological research carried out in Zamora Chinchipe (Ecuador) have ...
Socioceremonial centers are ubiquitous in the archaeological record around the world, and particular...
This study presents the results of an analysis of the archaeological ceramics recovered from Maya si...
In 2015 and 2016, the Proyecto Arqueológico Centro de Nicaragua ( Pacen) conducted several fieldwork...
Since 2007, the Proyecto Arqueológico Centro de Nicaragua (PACEN), directed by Alexander Geurds, has...
Entre 2015 y 2016, el Proyecto Arqueológico Centro de Nicaragua (Pacen, Universidad de Leiden) llevó...
In 2016, the Proyecto Arqueológico Centro de Nicaragua (Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University) e...
This research characterizes and reconstructs clay procurement and production practices through the i...
The chronology of human presence in Chontales, central Nicaragua, was established by Franck Gorin (1...
This research characterizes and reconstructs clay procurement and production practices through the i...
This article presents the results of archaeological research undertaken in Jardín (southwestern Anti...
This research is about the Sombrero Negro, archaeological site in the Autonomous Region of the South...
Sequencing the ceramics in Guatemala’s Holmul region has the potential to answer important questions...
In Misiones Province, Pre-Hispanic archaeological investigations have been discontinuous and show si...
This article examines the settlement patterns of Preguane and Guane prehispaniccultures in Eastern C...
International audienceRecent archaeological research carried out in Zamora Chinchipe (Ecuador) have ...
Socioceremonial centers are ubiquitous in the archaeological record around the world, and particular...
This study presents the results of an analysis of the archaeological ceramics recovered from Maya si...
In 2015 and 2016, the Proyecto Arqueológico Centro de Nicaragua ( Pacen) conducted several fieldwork...
Since 2007, the Proyecto Arqueológico Centro de Nicaragua (PACEN), directed by Alexander Geurds, has...
Entre 2015 y 2016, el Proyecto Arqueológico Centro de Nicaragua (Pacen, Universidad de Leiden) llevó...
In 2016, the Proyecto Arqueológico Centro de Nicaragua (Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University) e...
This research characterizes and reconstructs clay procurement and production practices through the i...
The chronology of human presence in Chontales, central Nicaragua, was established by Franck Gorin (1...
This research characterizes and reconstructs clay procurement and production practices through the i...
This article presents the results of archaeological research undertaken in Jardín (southwestern Anti...
This research is about the Sombrero Negro, archaeological site in the Autonomous Region of the South...
Sequencing the ceramics in Guatemala’s Holmul region has the potential to answer important questions...
In Misiones Province, Pre-Hispanic archaeological investigations have been discontinuous and show si...
This article examines the settlement patterns of Preguane and Guane prehispaniccultures in Eastern C...
International audienceRecent archaeological research carried out in Zamora Chinchipe (Ecuador) have ...
Socioceremonial centers are ubiquitous in the archaeological record around the world, and particular...
This study presents the results of an analysis of the archaeological ceramics recovered from Maya si...