Las mediaciones de la teoría y la práctica en la formación universitaria de profesionales de la visualidad.

  • Cabrera Salort, Ramón
Publication date
January 2013
Universidad Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas


For decades the contemporary approaches to art education focused on what they refer to as its epistemological nature: its construction, reading and critical-reflexive processes, and from these the warp of theory and practice. A profound dialogic mediation between the interchangeable roles of educator/learner, producer/reader is attached to a constructivist approach of this mediation, which is conceived from the questions, the problematizations, the interaction, and a reflective and liberating practice. In this paper we analyze moments of good curricular performance in the university education of visual art students, taken from group projects at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the Instituto Superior de Arte (ISA) in Havana over the last decade.D...

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