Erromatar garaiko ur horniketa sistema (bereziki akueduktuak) Berant Antzinaroan bertan behera geratu eta Erdi Aroko hirietan ez zirela egon uste izan den arren, azkeneko ikerketa arkeologikoen arabera hau ez zen beti horrela izan. Espainiako hainbat hirietan burututako azterketa arkeologikoek agerian utzi dute ur horniketaren jarraitutasuna aldi bisigotikoan, besteak beste Valentzia. Material arkeologikoen arabera akueduktuaren erabilera XI. mendera arte luzatu zela aditzera eman daiteke, seguruenik apezpikutzaren babesari lotuta edo agian, baina aukera gutxiagorekin, erregearen esku-hartzearekin. Eskura dugun materiala Almonia, Cavallers kalea eta Quart kaleko indusketei dagokio, non ez dira bakarrik estratigrafia osoa erakusten duten aku...
In this paper, three hydraulic systems (two nymphaea and a private bath), excavated in three houses ...
This article presents the hydraulic network existing in the south bank of the Túria River. It suppli...
The article collates the textual and archaeological evidence for Rome’s water-supply in the period c...
Even if the general assumption is that Roman water supply systems (aqueducts in particular) ceased t...
Even if the general assumption is that Roman water supply systems (aqueducts in particular) ceased t...
[EN] Even if the general assumption is that Roman water supply systems (aqueducts in particular) cea...
Despite the recent interest in late antique archaeology and the increasing number of publications on...
Modern water-supply systems — hidden beneath the ground, constructed, expanded, adapted and repaired...
This paper presents the results of the ‘Roman Barcino Water Network’ Project. This study employed a ...
The aim of this dissertation is to assess factors that contributed to the survival or failure of Rom...
The aim of this dissertation is to assess factors that contributed to the survival or failure of Rom...
In this paper I present several geoarchaeological case studies on the identification and stud), of w...
[ES] El planteamiento de este Trabajo Fin de Grado es la comparativa del sistema de abastecimiento d...
The Ancient Roman water supply systems still leave us astonished when admiring the solidity of the r...
Bu çalışmanın konusunu Antik Nikaia kentinin Roma döneminde, kentin ihtiyacı olan suyu nasıl temin e...
In this paper, three hydraulic systems (two nymphaea and a private bath), excavated in three houses ...
This article presents the hydraulic network existing in the south bank of the Túria River. It suppli...
The article collates the textual and archaeological evidence for Rome’s water-supply in the period c...
Even if the general assumption is that Roman water supply systems (aqueducts in particular) ceased t...
Even if the general assumption is that Roman water supply systems (aqueducts in particular) ceased t...
[EN] Even if the general assumption is that Roman water supply systems (aqueducts in particular) cea...
Despite the recent interest in late antique archaeology and the increasing number of publications on...
Modern water-supply systems — hidden beneath the ground, constructed, expanded, adapted and repaired...
This paper presents the results of the ‘Roman Barcino Water Network’ Project. This study employed a ...
The aim of this dissertation is to assess factors that contributed to the survival or failure of Rom...
The aim of this dissertation is to assess factors that contributed to the survival or failure of Rom...
In this paper I present several geoarchaeological case studies on the identification and stud), of w...
[ES] El planteamiento de este Trabajo Fin de Grado es la comparativa del sistema de abastecimiento d...
The Ancient Roman water supply systems still leave us astonished when admiring the solidity of the r...
Bu çalışmanın konusunu Antik Nikaia kentinin Roma döneminde, kentin ihtiyacı olan suyu nasıl temin e...
In this paper, three hydraulic systems (two nymphaea and a private bath), excavated in three houses ...
This article presents the hydraulic network existing in the south bank of the Túria River. It suppli...
The article collates the textual and archaeological evidence for Rome’s water-supply in the period c...