Much recent learner-centred research has addressed the role of direct and indirect learning strategies in second language acquisition and production, as well as the value of metacognitive awareness in writing skills development. We shall describe a longitudinal project carried out with first-year Canarian university students focusing on the effect of integrated training in metacognitive and socio-affective strategies applied to EFL writing skills instruction. The use of dialogue journals, which reveal the frequency of metacognitive and socio-affective strategies deployed by our learners and the value of guided written reflection, will also be highlighted as both a quantitative and qualitative research instrument.Mucha investigación reciente...
This study investigates the effectiveness of metacognitive learning strategy in writing enhancement ...
Writing is used as a tool for communication as well as learning, thinking, and organizing knowledge ...
The purpose of this research was to examine the effects of training in metacognitive, affective and ...
Much recent learner-centred research has addressed the role of direct and indirect learning strategi...
Much recent learner-centred research has addressed the role of direct and indirect learning strateg...
El trabajo de investigación desarrollado en el marco de la Maestría en Pedagogía de la Lengua Matern...
Writing is an essential element in the teaching-learning process, as it allows students to access kn...
The aim of this article is to present a literature review on metacognitive strategies instruction fo...
The purpose of this study was to identify meta-cognitive strategies and technological resources that...
The added value of metacognition has been reported for various areas of learning. Research shows, fo...
La presente reflexión es un intento de recopilar las características más distintivas de las estrateg...
The metacognitive approach in the teaching-learning process is based on the ability of students to k...
Tesis (Magíster en Comprensión Lectora y Producción de Textos)El presente estudio consiste en una in...
Relatório de estágio de mestrado em Ensino de Inglês e de Espanhol no 3º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e no...
This research study shows how writing as a school practice can be improved through metacognition usi...
This study investigates the effectiveness of metacognitive learning strategy in writing enhancement ...
Writing is used as a tool for communication as well as learning, thinking, and organizing knowledge ...
The purpose of this research was to examine the effects of training in metacognitive, affective and ...
Much recent learner-centred research has addressed the role of direct and indirect learning strategi...
Much recent learner-centred research has addressed the role of direct and indirect learning strateg...
El trabajo de investigación desarrollado en el marco de la Maestría en Pedagogía de la Lengua Matern...
Writing is an essential element in the teaching-learning process, as it allows students to access kn...
The aim of this article is to present a literature review on metacognitive strategies instruction fo...
The purpose of this study was to identify meta-cognitive strategies and technological resources that...
The added value of metacognition has been reported for various areas of learning. Research shows, fo...
La presente reflexión es un intento de recopilar las características más distintivas de las estrateg...
The metacognitive approach in the teaching-learning process is based on the ability of students to k...
Tesis (Magíster en Comprensión Lectora y Producción de Textos)El presente estudio consiste en una in...
Relatório de estágio de mestrado em Ensino de Inglês e de Espanhol no 3º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e no...
This research study shows how writing as a school practice can be improved through metacognition usi...
This study investigates the effectiveness of metacognitive learning strategy in writing enhancement ...
Writing is used as a tool for communication as well as learning, thinking, and organizing knowledge ...
The purpose of this research was to examine the effects of training in metacognitive, affective and ...