Erich Fromm once said “the quest for certainty blocks the search for meaning. Uncertainty is the very condition to impel man to unfold his powers.” For some, this quote is unmistakably true, impelling them to great discoveries of nature and the mind. For others, uncertainty is the very essence of confusion and ambiguity, offering nothing more than reason to retreat to more predictable and certain times. In this chapter, we explore the theory of uncertainty orientation as related to cognition and cognitive processes, including research that was conducted in Canada, Japan, and China. First, we discuss the characteristic uncertainty selfregulation styles that distinguish uncertainty-oriented individuals from certainty-oriented individuals. Nex...
2021 Fall.Includes bibliographical references.Existing scholarship on the communicative experience o...
The psychological research strategies of studying epistemic curiosity traditionally consider four fa...
This article concerns uncertainty, which is considered by many social theorists (for instance, Zygmu...
This dissertation examined the view that certainty- and uncertainty-oriented individuals are individ...
It has been found that the arousal of achievement-related motives is maximized in situations that in...
Two studies investigated the uncertainty orientation model of self-regulation as it relates to contr...
This paper builds on prior cross-cultural research to explore the role of national culture in provid...
In this paper, we present a model of how individuals react emotionally to everyday life events as a ...
Van den Bos (this issue) argues for the regulatory importance of personal uncertainty. He defines pe...
This paper builds on prior cross-cultural research to explore the role of national culture in provid...
A growing trend of neuroimaging, behavioral, and computational research has investigated the topic o...
University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation.August 2018. Major: Psychology. Advisor: Colin DeYoung. ...
In this paper, we present a mathematical formulation derived from the theory of uncertainty orientat...
The large majority of humans nowadays live in cultures in which there is often a delay between the e...
This study explores the cognitive level of information exchange. It introduces the combination of Ne...
2021 Fall.Includes bibliographical references.Existing scholarship on the communicative experience o...
The psychological research strategies of studying epistemic curiosity traditionally consider four fa...
This article concerns uncertainty, which is considered by many social theorists (for instance, Zygmu...
This dissertation examined the view that certainty- and uncertainty-oriented individuals are individ...
It has been found that the arousal of achievement-related motives is maximized in situations that in...
Two studies investigated the uncertainty orientation model of self-regulation as it relates to contr...
This paper builds on prior cross-cultural research to explore the role of national culture in provid...
In this paper, we present a model of how individuals react emotionally to everyday life events as a ...
Van den Bos (this issue) argues for the regulatory importance of personal uncertainty. He defines pe...
This paper builds on prior cross-cultural research to explore the role of national culture in provid...
A growing trend of neuroimaging, behavioral, and computational research has investigated the topic o...
University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation.August 2018. Major: Psychology. Advisor: Colin DeYoung. ...
In this paper, we present a mathematical formulation derived from the theory of uncertainty orientat...
The large majority of humans nowadays live in cultures in which there is often a delay between the e...
This study explores the cognitive level of information exchange. It introduces the combination of Ne...
2021 Fall.Includes bibliographical references.Existing scholarship on the communicative experience o...
The psychological research strategies of studying epistemic curiosity traditionally consider four fa...
This article concerns uncertainty, which is considered by many social theorists (for instance, Zygmu...