Reddish clay with red glaze. Fragment of discus. Two clasped hands holding winged caduceus (?) of which the top part is missing
Fine pale buff clay with red to brown glaze. Nozzle missing, extended part way across rim and ended ...
Buff micaceous clay with red glaze. Lamp fragment. Base, backside, rim and handle. Raised band set o...
Reddish buff clay with red glaze. Attachment in form of two lobed leaf decorated with groove
Buff clay with reddish brown glaze. Top of lamp. Nozzle missing but bases of volutes remain. Tong...
Fine red micaceous clay, baked hard; unglazed. Front part of lamp. One side of long rounded nozzle m...
Pale buff clay, unglazed Crescent lamp handle attachment on which is bust of Zeus, drapery over his ...
Fine pale buff clay with red to brown glaze. Nozzle missing, extended part way across rim and ended ...
Buff micaceous clay with red glaze. Lamp fragment. Base, backside, rim and handle. Raised band set o...
Reddish buff clay with red glaze. Attachment in form of two lobed leaf decorated with groove
Buff clay with reddish brown glaze. Top of lamp. Nozzle missing but bases of volutes remain. Tong...
Fine red micaceous clay, baked hard; unglazed. Front part of lamp. One side of long rounded nozzle m...
Pale buff clay, unglazed Crescent lamp handle attachment on which is bust of Zeus, drapery over his ...
Fine pale buff clay with red to brown glaze. Nozzle missing, extended part way across rim and ended ...
Buff micaceous clay with red glaze. Lamp fragment. Base, backside, rim and handle. Raised band set o...
Reddish buff clay with red glaze. Attachment in form of two lobed leaf decorated with groove