Incurving wheel-cut top edge (no rim). Sides broadly convex, broadening towards base, but curving in at base. Base is flat. Wheel mark band circles body 1/3 of the way down
Rounded rimless top edge. Straight sides taper continually down to base, which is deeply concave & ...
Fragment of rim and fragment of stem and base; no weathering; pin-prick bubbles. Rounded rim outspla...
Wheel cut top edge. Body has hemicircular profile and flat base. Much stress cracking
Incurving wheel-cut top edge (no rim). Sides broadly convex, broadening towards base, but curving in...
Narrow outsplayed rim. Body has broadly convex sides that taper near base . Base slightly concave, w...
Colorless glass. Fragment of rim and side. Frosted. Material good. Rim cut off square and polished. ...
Outsplayed mouth w/ concave sides continually tapering downward. Sides broaden near base, which has ...
Sharp wheel cut top edge. Sides of the conical body taper continually to base, which is somewhat con...
Rounded rimless top edge. Straight sides taper continually down to base, which is deeply concave & ...
Fragment of rim and fragment of stem and base; no weathering; pin-prick bubbles. Rounded rim outspla...
Wheel cut top edge. Body has hemicircular profile and flat base. Much stress cracking
Incurving wheel-cut top edge (no rim). Sides broadly convex, broadening towards base, but curving in...
Narrow outsplayed rim. Body has broadly convex sides that taper near base . Base slightly concave, w...
Colorless glass. Fragment of rim and side. Frosted. Material good. Rim cut off square and polished. ...
Outsplayed mouth w/ concave sides continually tapering downward. Sides broaden near base, which has ...
Sharp wheel cut top edge. Sides of the conical body taper continually to base, which is somewhat con...
Rounded rimless top edge. Straight sides taper continually down to base, which is deeply concave & ...
Fragment of rim and fragment of stem and base; no weathering; pin-prick bubbles. Rounded rim outspla...
Wheel cut top edge. Body has hemicircular profile and flat base. Much stress cracking