Fragment of yellowed woven wool fabric with a divided red/purple tapestry band and a divided pinstripe. The tapestry band is discontinuous, ending 4 cm from the selvedge edge. This band is 4 cm from the weft-wise edge. Each half is approximately 1.9 cm wide with 0.3 cm of yellow weft between. There are a few linen wefts (possibly weft-wrapping) within the band, as well as slit tapestry linen decorative elements along the edges. The divided pinstripe is 0.5 cm total width with 6 purple picks in each half and 2 picks of yellow between. There is a ribbed selvedge along one edge and there are stitches next to the selvedge. The stitches have a small piece of yellowed fabric caught in them. There is a thick cord next to the selvedge at th...