Dark green, white and black pebbles scattered over a crushed light green ground. All unpolished
Many shades of gray streaked across with interruptions of white patches. Thick slab; fine crystals. ...
Dark olive (black) green with many little crystals of yellow-green and white giving it a speckled ap...
Confused mixture of fuzzy yellow-white pebbles veined with purple and brown-gray; fractured texture
Relatively thin little slab polished on both surfaces; dark gray fractured ground with purple spots ...
Pure white with fine dust like opaque crystals. Some yellow patina on one side and some concrete(?) ...
Crystalline transparent white with gray mottling. Much brown patina throughout back
Fragments of dark gray-green, lighter green veins of black and white jumbled together
Brown - red ground crowded with gray pebbles of various sizes and shades; white area with a gray tin...
Very large transparent crystals, gray tinge; crystals seem to be much too large to be Pentelic; poss...
Densely packed spots of black, metallic-green and dark green on a dirty-white, green tinged backgrou...
Uniform golden (”dorato”) or straw-colored (”paglino”) yellow with a few fine veins of red-purple. O...
Many shades of gray streaked across with interruptions of white patches. Thick slab; fine crystals. ...
Dark olive (black) green with many little crystals of yellow-green and white giving it a speckled ap...
Confused mixture of fuzzy yellow-white pebbles veined with purple and brown-gray; fractured texture
Relatively thin little slab polished on both surfaces; dark gray fractured ground with purple spots ...
Pure white with fine dust like opaque crystals. Some yellow patina on one side and some concrete(?) ...
Crystalline transparent white with gray mottling. Much brown patina throughout back
Fragments of dark gray-green, lighter green veins of black and white jumbled together
Brown - red ground crowded with gray pebbles of various sizes and shades; white area with a gray tin...
Very large transparent crystals, gray tinge; crystals seem to be much too large to be Pentelic; poss...
Densely packed spots of black, metallic-green and dark green on a dirty-white, green tinged backgrou...
Uniform golden (”dorato”) or straw-colored (”paglino”) yellow with a few fine veins of red-purple. O...
Many shades of gray streaked across with interruptions of white patches. Thick slab; fine crystals. ...
Dark olive (black) green with many little crystals of yellow-green and white giving it a speckled ap...
Confused mixture of fuzzy yellow-white pebbles veined with purple and brown-gray; fractured texture