Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is the responsibility of the company for the development and empowerment of the community both in terms of the economy, social and environment to improve the welfare of the community.The form of the responsibility carried out by the company must provide great benefits. For example, the Kampoeng BNI CSR program,which formed by PT BNI, gives benefits in the development of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprise (MSME) in Karangtengah Village, Imogiri Yogyakarta. Through fostering CSR for the development of MSMEs which has become one of the strategic choices of many developing countries in order to strengthen and enhance the competitiveness of MSMEs.It has been recognized that large companies will not...
Berdasarkan hasil analisis persamaan regresi di peroleh ̂= 85.658+ 0,039X, dari uji signifikan dipe...
Prevalensi anemia pada ibu hamil di Indonesia mencapai 37,1%, untuk di wilayah DIY sebesar 16,09%,...
The high quality feed with sufficient quantity is needed by the livestock to gain an optimal produc...
Advances in technology and the internet have an important role to develop of advertising in Indones...
Latar belakang: Kanker serviks adalah tumor ganas paling sering ditemukan pada sistem reproduksi ...
Latar Belakang: Anemia adalah keadaan jumlah hemoglobin dalam darah kurang dari normal. Salah ...
Adlays contain phytochemical compounds that beneficial to health i.e: coixol, coixans, coi...
The development of the internet is currently making changes in various fields of life, one of which...
Susi Susapti. C0912027. 2016. Skripsi. “Kajian Desain Produk Batik Laweyan Sebagai Hiasan Dinding Ta...
Research carried out on the financial reports of KPRI Muara Surakarta during the period 2004-2008....
Ibroh, Umi. The Function of Mujarobat Text for The People of Pesarean Village (Reception Study). Es...
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the liquidity, asset quality,...
Customer satisfaction is the most important component for a company, where customer satisfaction is...
INDONESIA: Grief merupakan respon emosional kehilangan yang dialami individu ketika orang yang di...
Latar Belakang, kualitas Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) Indonesia saat ini masih tertinggal dibandingka...
Berdasarkan hasil analisis persamaan regresi di peroleh ̂= 85.658+ 0,039X, dari uji signifikan dipe...
Prevalensi anemia pada ibu hamil di Indonesia mencapai 37,1%, untuk di wilayah DIY sebesar 16,09%,...
The high quality feed with sufficient quantity is needed by the livestock to gain an optimal produc...
Advances in technology and the internet have an important role to develop of advertising in Indones...
Latar belakang: Kanker serviks adalah tumor ganas paling sering ditemukan pada sistem reproduksi ...
Latar Belakang: Anemia adalah keadaan jumlah hemoglobin dalam darah kurang dari normal. Salah ...
Adlays contain phytochemical compounds that beneficial to health i.e: coixol, coixans, coi...
The development of the internet is currently making changes in various fields of life, one of which...
Susi Susapti. C0912027. 2016. Skripsi. “Kajian Desain Produk Batik Laweyan Sebagai Hiasan Dinding Ta...
Research carried out on the financial reports of KPRI Muara Surakarta during the period 2004-2008....
Ibroh, Umi. The Function of Mujarobat Text for The People of Pesarean Village (Reception Study). Es...
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the liquidity, asset quality,...
Customer satisfaction is the most important component for a company, where customer satisfaction is...
INDONESIA: Grief merupakan respon emosional kehilangan yang dialami individu ketika orang yang di...
Latar Belakang, kualitas Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) Indonesia saat ini masih tertinggal dibandingka...
Berdasarkan hasil analisis persamaan regresi di peroleh ̂= 85.658+ 0,039X, dari uji signifikan dipe...
Prevalensi anemia pada ibu hamil di Indonesia mencapai 37,1%, untuk di wilayah DIY sebesar 16,09%,...
The high quality feed with sufficient quantity is needed by the livestock to gain an optimal produc...