In the first part of the chapter it is shown that if Λ is a profinite ring and M is a profinite Λ -module, then each of the functors Torn Λ(M,−) commutes with the direct sum of any sheaf of Λ -modules. In particular, if G is a pro- C group, each of its homology group functors Hn(G, −) commutes with any direct sum ⨁tBt of submodules of a [[ΛG]] -module B indexed continuously by a profinite space, where [[ΛG]] denotes the complete group algebra and Λ is assumed to be commutative. On the other hand, if F= { Gt∣ t∈ T} is a continuously indexed family of closed subgroups of G, there is a corestriction map of profinite abelian groups CorF G: ⨁t∈ T Hn(Gt,B) → Hn(G, B), for all profinite modules B over G. Using this map one obtains a Mayer-Vietoris...