Our research examined those motives that could predict or protect from the negative effects of gambling. Motivational constructs (risk factors) and the five dimensions of resilience (protective factors) were considered. 879 participants completed the following questionnaire: Socio-anagraphic data, South Oaks Gambling Screen, Resilience Scale for Adults, Gambling Motivation Scale. Causal analysis assessed the relationships between the variables. ANOVA indicated that gambling groups differed on social competence and family cohesion (resilience), and on gambling intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, and amotivation. Logistic regression models showed that protective factors had an indirect effect on gambling outcomes. More complex analysi...
Gambling among young adults occurs at a higher rate than in the general population and is associated...
A quantitative observational study was undertaken to examine the relationship between individual fac...
To understand gamblers' behaviour, scholars have focused on the motivations that promote and maintai...
AbstractOur research examined those motives that could predict or protect from the negative effects ...
Our research examined those motives that could predict or protect from the negative effects of gambl...
Individual differences in the risk of developing gambling-related harm play an important role in the...
Individual differences in the risk of developing gambling-related harm play an important role in the...
This study examined the relationships between risk (i.e., gambling cognitions, gambling urges, psych...
This study examined the relationships between risk (i.e., gambling cognitions, gambling urges, psych...
A comparison of the personality profiles of Gamblers Anonymous (GA) members, social gamblers and non...
Background:Motivational factors for gambling are linked with problem gambling, yet, it has been stud...
Three linked studies, testing key aspects of the Pathways towards Problem and Pathological Gambling ...
This study explored (a) whether gamblers' coping styles could successfully predict problem gambling ...
Rationale and methodAccurately identifying motives to gamble is crucial in the functional analysis o...
This study explored (a) whether gamblers ’ coping styles could successfully predict problem gambling...
Gambling among young adults occurs at a higher rate than in the general population and is associated...
A quantitative observational study was undertaken to examine the relationship between individual fac...
To understand gamblers' behaviour, scholars have focused on the motivations that promote and maintai...
AbstractOur research examined those motives that could predict or protect from the negative effects ...
Our research examined those motives that could predict or protect from the negative effects of gambl...
Individual differences in the risk of developing gambling-related harm play an important role in the...
Individual differences in the risk of developing gambling-related harm play an important role in the...
This study examined the relationships between risk (i.e., gambling cognitions, gambling urges, psych...
This study examined the relationships between risk (i.e., gambling cognitions, gambling urges, psych...
A comparison of the personality profiles of Gamblers Anonymous (GA) members, social gamblers and non...
Background:Motivational factors for gambling are linked with problem gambling, yet, it has been stud...
Three linked studies, testing key aspects of the Pathways towards Problem and Pathological Gambling ...
This study explored (a) whether gamblers' coping styles could successfully predict problem gambling ...
Rationale and methodAccurately identifying motives to gamble is crucial in the functional analysis o...
This study explored (a) whether gamblers ’ coping styles could successfully predict problem gambling...
Gambling among young adults occurs at a higher rate than in the general population and is associated...
A quantitative observational study was undertaken to examine the relationship between individual fac...
To understand gamblers' behaviour, scholars have focused on the motivations that promote and maintai...