Le istituzioni di Roma pagana e Roma cristiana nell’opera «Del governo de i regni et delle republiche così antiche come moderne» di Francesco Sansovino

  • ROSSI, Giovanni
Publication date
January 2014


The Treatise Del governo de i regni et delle republiche così antiche come moderne (1561, later amplified in the editions of 1567, 1578, 1583) was composed by Francesco Sansovino, a well-known polygraph active in Venice in the second half of the 16th century. In this work he limited himself to presenting a collection of sections taken from previous treatises on political matters in order to offer a profile on the forms of government and organization of magistracies by various ancient and modern monarchies, empires, city-states. His intention was to propose a political treatise based on a historical perspective and conceived as a comparison of different forms of government and political systems, going beyond the traditional theoretical view i...

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