[Anatomo-surgical notes on splanchnicectomy: original research on 15 autopsy observations].

  • G. L. Mangiante
  • G. Prati
  • E. Facci
  • MOMBELLO, Aldo
  • A. Acerbi
  • IACONO, Calogero
  • SERIO, Giovanni
Publication date
January 1994


Surgical splanchnicectomy for the relief of neoplastic pain is a palliative strategy in cases of unremovable pancreatic cancer. The first step in the achievement of satisfactory and long-lasting relief of pain is the correct identification of semilunar ganglia and splanchnic nerves during laparotomy. In this light, we tried to estimate the exact location, number, shape, and length of splanchnic nerves and ganglia in 15 corpses (mean age 39.9 years, range 21-74, F/M/ = 5/10). Right and left splanchnic nerves always pierce the diaphragm laterally to the crus. On the right side, the splanchnic nerve always enters the abdomen posterior to the inferior vena cava, on the right edge in 10\%, on the middle in 73\%, on the left in 17\% of the cases....

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