ASTRIA SARASWATI A. SIGA. 2016. 8143164564. Analisis Tata Ruang Kantor Pada Divisi Sumber Daya Manusia Perusahaan Umum Lembaga Kantor Berita Nasional (Perum LKBN) Antara. Program Studi D3 Administrasi Perkantoran Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Negeri Jakarta. The scientific work aims to determine the condition of office layout in Division of Human Recources General Company National News Agency Antara. Methods used in this research is descriptive analysis, the data collection method through observations and literature study. From the result of this writing can be known that office layout must be considered because by structuring the appropriate arrangement office space can support the productivity of its employees, the right office l...
RIZKY MARIZA. 2013. 8143108227. Analisis Tata Ruang Kantor Pada Law Firm Ari Yusuf, Singajuru & Part...
Rizky Nasliza., 2010. 8143108216. Analysis of Office Layout at PT Wanamitra Permai. DIII Studies Pro...
MELATI TRIA ANDINI. 2011. 8143118103. Analysis of Office Layout at News Division PT Televisi Transfo...
CYNDIKA APRILLIA. 2014. 8143145195. Analisis Tata Ruang Kantor Pada Divisi Tata Usaha Balai Besar Wi...
NURUL SHABRINA. 2014. 8143145178. Analisis Tata Ruang Kantor Pada Divisi Pusat Pelatihan dan Kerjasa...
RIMA SELVIANA 2014. 8143145190. Analisis Tata Ruang Kantor pada Bidang Kesekretariatan Dinas perhubu...
HIMATUL ULYA. 2015. 8143118091. Analysis Of Office Layout At The Badan Kepegawaian Negara. Study Pro...
PUTRI SILIWANGI. 2012. 81431281082. Analysis of Office Layout at The Public Department Kantor Pelaya...
LINDA NURMALA APRIYANTI. 2013. 8143108201. Analisis Tata Ruang Kantor Pada Divisi Personalia & Gener...
DESTY PRIASTAMI. 2014. 8143118085. Analisis Tata Ruang Kantor Pada PT Bakrie Tosanjaya. Program Stud...
NUR FITRI KHAIRANI. 2014. 8143145201. Analisis Pengaruh Tata Ruang Kantor Terhadap Efektivitas Kerja...
This scientific work aims to find out about the office layout at The Purchasing Department Metindo E...
This scientific writing aims to determine the condition about office layout at Accounting Division o...
The scientific paper aims to know how is system office layout PT Putra Sentosa Persada, Bekasi. Meth...
NYIMAS FANNY MARYAM N. 2015. 8143154422. Analisis Tata Ruang Kantor Pada Biro Kepegawaia Badan Kepe...
RIZKY MARIZA. 2013. 8143108227. Analisis Tata Ruang Kantor Pada Law Firm Ari Yusuf, Singajuru & Part...
Rizky Nasliza., 2010. 8143108216. Analysis of Office Layout at PT Wanamitra Permai. DIII Studies Pro...
MELATI TRIA ANDINI. 2011. 8143118103. Analysis of Office Layout at News Division PT Televisi Transfo...
CYNDIKA APRILLIA. 2014. 8143145195. Analisis Tata Ruang Kantor Pada Divisi Tata Usaha Balai Besar Wi...
NURUL SHABRINA. 2014. 8143145178. Analisis Tata Ruang Kantor Pada Divisi Pusat Pelatihan dan Kerjasa...
RIMA SELVIANA 2014. 8143145190. Analisis Tata Ruang Kantor pada Bidang Kesekretariatan Dinas perhubu...
HIMATUL ULYA. 2015. 8143118091. Analysis Of Office Layout At The Badan Kepegawaian Negara. Study Pro...
PUTRI SILIWANGI. 2012. 81431281082. Analysis of Office Layout at The Public Department Kantor Pelaya...
LINDA NURMALA APRIYANTI. 2013. 8143108201. Analisis Tata Ruang Kantor Pada Divisi Personalia & Gener...
DESTY PRIASTAMI. 2014. 8143118085. Analisis Tata Ruang Kantor Pada PT Bakrie Tosanjaya. Program Stud...
NUR FITRI KHAIRANI. 2014. 8143145201. Analisis Pengaruh Tata Ruang Kantor Terhadap Efektivitas Kerja...
This scientific work aims to find out about the office layout at The Purchasing Department Metindo E...
This scientific writing aims to determine the condition about office layout at Accounting Division o...
The scientific paper aims to know how is system office layout PT Putra Sentosa Persada, Bekasi. Meth...
NYIMAS FANNY MARYAM N. 2015. 8143154422. Analisis Tata Ruang Kantor Pada Biro Kepegawaia Badan Kepe...
RIZKY MARIZA. 2013. 8143108227. Analisis Tata Ruang Kantor Pada Law Firm Ari Yusuf, Singajuru & Part...
Rizky Nasliza., 2010. 8143108216. Analysis of Office Layout at PT Wanamitra Permai. DIII Studies Pro...
MELATI TRIA ANDINI. 2011. 8143118103. Analysis of Office Layout at News Division PT Televisi Transfo...